SWIG Application Instructions and Guidance

The information below describes the steps for completing the SWIG application process. It includes basic application instructions, application resources, and program contact information.

Round 2 - Now Accepting Applications

The School Water Improvement Grant (SWIG) program Round 2 is now open and accepting applications. Please use the link below to complete the preliminary application form. The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust (Trust) suggests that you review the application instructions before beginning. The Part One application will continue to accept applications on a rolling basis.

Round 2 - Application Link

The video below details how to complete the application process for this round of SWIG. Additionally, this page contains detailed instructions on the process. If you have any questions about the application process please do not hesitate to reach out to the Trust. 

Application Walkthrough

Application Overview

Applications for the SWIG program must be submitted by an authorized officer of an organization. For public schools, the school district must submit the application. The SWIG application is a two-part process. Part one is the Organization Form that collects organization-level information and establishes the primary point-of-contact (POC). Part two is the Facility Inventory Form which will be used to collect information for each facility that has known lead exceedances. Once the application round closes, the Trust will review all applications and issue award letters in accordance with the established program process. The steps below provide additional information on both parts of the application and what to expect after submission is complete.

Application Deadline

The Trust will continue accepting applications on a rolling basis through 2022. At the conclusion of the application period, the Trust will complete a program review and make any needed adjustments before announcing the next application period.

Application Instructions

Below, applicants can find an overview for the SWIG application process. Detailed information can be found in the SWIG Application Instructions document.

Pre-Application Data Gathering

Applicants should read the directions below, or review the linked application resources, in full before beginning the application process. Additionally, applications should confirm that all individual facility information is accurate and  eligible for assistance through the SWIG program before submitting the application to the Trust.

The Organization Form

The Organization Form is used to gather basic information about the organization and identify a POC. Information needed to complete the form is detailed below. The form should be submitted by a designated officer with the authority to enter financial commitments on the behalf of the organization. Additionally, the POC will be the main contact for the organization when communicating with the Trust and MassDEP about the grant award. 

The form requests the following information:

  1. Organization Name
  2. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) District code OR your organization’s Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) identification code
  3. Organization POC
  4. POC Phone Number
  5. POC Email Address
  6. Total number of facilities that will be part of this application
  7. Alternative Application Email Address

Once the Organization Form is submitted, the POC will receive an email confirming receipt of the form. The Trust will review the information for accuracy and eligibility. If eligible, an application package will be emailed to the POC and the alternative application email address. 

The Facility Inventory Form

The Facility Inventory Form is used to collect information for each individual facility. Organizations should only submit facility information for facilities the organization intends or has the capacity to install filling station(s) within the one (1) year grant award time frame. Pleas note that awards are designated at the facility level. This means that each facility will be assigned a specific number of filling stations. Installation of the assigned or requested filling stations (whichever is less) is required to complete all grant conditions.

The Facility Inventory Form will collect the following information:

  1. DESE District Code or EEC Identification Code
  2. DESE School Code or EEC Identification Code
  3. Facility Name
  4. Facility Address
  5. Total Student Enrollment
  6. Total Students Enrolled in Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grades 1-5
  7. Number of operational drinking water fountains
  8. Number of drinking water fountains with lead exceedances above 1 part per billion 
  9. Number of requested filtered bottle filling stations
  10. Does the school rely on bottled water?
  11. Does the school have a lead service line?
  12. Location codes for water fountains, bottle filling stations, bubblers or coolers with lead exceedances
  13. Are any of these water fountains, bottle filling stations, bubblers or coolers in a shared kitchen or food preparation location?
  14. Detail plans to install a fixture to a new location

Once the organization has submitted a Facility Inventory Form, the Trust will send a confirmation email.

What to Expect Next

Once the application period has closed, the Trust will review applications for eligibility and completeness. Eligible applicants that are selected to be awarded will receive an award letter detailing the award assignments and directions on completing and executing grant documents.

Contact   for SWIG Application Instructions and Guidance


Massachusetts Clean Water Trust
1 Center Plaza, Suite 430, Boston, MA 02108

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