The Board of Early Education and Care

The Board of Early Education and Care sets policies and regulations related to early education and care programs and services in the Commonwealth.

Who we are

The Board of Early Education and Care is an eleven member body that is made up of the following representatives:

  • Two ex-officio members (Secretary of Education, Secretary of Health and Human Services).
  • Three at-large representatives.
  • An early education and care provider with management and administrative experience.
  • An early education and care teacher.
  • A business representative with demonstrated commitment in education.
  • A parent of a child receiving early education and care services.
  • A pediatrician focusing on child development.
  • An expert in evaluation and assessment of preschools.

The Commissioner of Early Education and Care is the Secretary to the Board.

To learn more about who serves on the Board, please read the member's biographies.

Meetings and agendas

The Board of Early Education and Care is statutorily required to meet 10 times annually. The Board typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 1pm, at locations throughout the Commonwealth.

Any changes to Board meetings will be posted online, so please check the meeting pages for updates.

For reference, we keep a list of archived meetings from previous years. To get the minutes or agendas from each of these meetings, please contact the Department of Early Education and Care.

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