Types of prevention

Types of prevention information from DPPC.

Primary prevention

Those activities that decrease the likelihood of abuse ever happening in the first instance.


  • Educating/empowering persons with disabilities - e.g. sexuality education; communications skills training; self-esteem building
  • Providing supports to family caregivers — e.g. respite services; personal care attendants; transportation
  • Providing adequate training, support, and supervision for paid caregivers
  • Implementing effective screening practices at the time of hire

Secondary prevention

Those activities that reduce the likelihood that abuse will continue or reoccur.


  • Training for mandated and non-mandated reporters on how to recognize and report suspected abuse and neglect
  • Effective protective service planning
  • Enforcing criminal and civil laws, as a deterrent to further abuse
  • Enforcing disciplinary actions, and making referrals to appropriate licensing boards

Tertiary prevention

Those activities that seek, over time, to ameliorate or lessen the harm already done as a result of the abuse.


  • Providing medical and social supports for the victim ( for example, psychotherapy);
  • Peer support counseling; adaptive equipment to increase independence, such as wheelchairs or computers
  • Legal recourse (for example, assistance in pursuing criminal charges, or obtaining restraining orders)

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