Date: | 03/16/2020 |
Referenced Sources: | PERAC Website |
PERAC Memo #16, 2020
Date: | 03/16/2020 |
Referenced Sources: | PERAC Website |
PERAC Memo #16, 2020
FROM: John W. Parsons, Esq., Executive Director
RE: Coronavirus Update
DATE: March 16, 2020
Please be advised that effective Monday, March 16, 2020 PERAC will be implementing the following changes, until further notice.
The PERAC office in Somerville will be closed to the public. This message will be posted on our website. Accommodations will be made if someone attempts to drop off mail, such as 91A submissions.
PERAC staff will be working remotely to the extent possible, and a skeleton crew will be on hand daily as well. At this point, it is our goal to continue to receive all submissions from retirement boards, subject to change. All staff will continue to be available through email, and we encourage you to communicate through this method. As to retirement calculations we reiterate that boards that do not currently do so should consider paying new retirees estimated allowances. Any changes to submissions will be broadcast to boards through a further memo.
We encourage all boards to notify their active and retired employees as to the status of their office and the availability of services.
Please contact us if you have any questions and stay healthy.
Philip Y Brown, Esq., Chairman
Auditor Suzanne M. Bump
Kathleen M. Fallon
Kate Fitzpatrick
James M. Machado
Robert B. McCarthy
Jennifer F. Sullivan