
Memorandum  #26: 2019 Disability Data

Date: 12/23/2019
Referenced Sources: PERAC Website

PERAC Memo #26, 2019

Contact   for #26: 2019 Disability Data

Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission


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To All Retirement Boards:


TO:                 All Retirement Boards

FROM:          John W. Parsons, Esq., Executive Director

RE:                 2019 Disability Data

DATE:           December 23, 2019

In order to make an accurate determination on the statutory limit of your member’s post retirement earnings as a disabled public retiree, we need to maintain an accurate and current disability retiree database.  We respectfully request that you review the list of your board’s disability retirees in Prosper, and make all necessary address and status changes that occurred in the year 2019.  These changes should be made when a member is deceased, confined to a nursing home, has waived his/her allowance, has returned to active status, and/or has had a change of address. 

To locate the list in Prosper you will need to enter through the Members tab, select Member Update, select Export Member Info, and a CSV file will be created with your member’s data.  This file should be updated and sent back to PERAC.  You may return it by email to, or fax to 617-628-4414, or by mail. 

computer image

If you are changing an address please indicate so by highlighting or bolding the change.  If you indicate a member is deceased, you will be able to enter the date of death, and upload the death certificate or obituary by searching for the member in Prosper.  If a member has a Power of Attorney (POA) we will also need a copy of the POA document, including the mailing address of the POA. 

Please note, due to Chapter 176 of the Acts of 2011, certain disability retirees no longer need to file the Annual Statement of Earned Income.  As a result, you will notice your report may show who has filed an Affidavit.  You may also notice a member may have a Special Status such as Waived, Modified, Nursing Home, or Special Act.  If any of these Statuses are incorrect or need to be adjusted, please comment next to such member.  

If any member is missing from the list, please add them at the bottom of the list with a comment.  It is imperative that all information be returned to PERAC no later than January 20, 2020 to ensure accuracy in our member database prior to our mailing of the 2019 Annual Statements of Earned Income (91A), which traditionally takes place in February. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter.  

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