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Press Release

Press Release  IG Shapiro Announces Pilot Program to Offer Free Procurement Training to Cities and Towns

For immediate release:
  • Office of the Inspector General

Media Contact   for IG Shapiro Announces Pilot Program to Offer Free Procurement Training to Cities and Towns

Carrie Kimball, Communications Officer

Inspector General Jeffrey S. Shapiro announced a pilot program – One Free Designee – offering core public procurement training at no cost to every municipality in the Commonwealth.

“I believe that increasing the number of new Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Officials (MCPPO) designees is core to the mission of the OIG to prevent fraud, waste and abuse of public resources,” IG Shapiro said.  “The MCPPO designation provides public employees with a better understanding of the complexities of Massachusetts procurement law and best practices. This foundational knowledge increases the proficiency of public employees tasked with procuring good and services, and, therefore, decreases the probability of fraud, waste or abuse of public resources. I am doing everything I can to remove barriers to training and to position the Office of the Inspector General as a resource and a partner in good government.”

Effective in FY24, the OIG is offering each municipality free tuition for the three classes required for one employee to receive the Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO) designation. This is an $1885 value. Additionally, the $100 fee associated with all designation applications and renewals has been waived.

To enroll an employee in the free training, the chief municipal officer (Mayor, Manager/Administrator or Select Board Chair) must complete an online form indicating the employee to receive the training and acknowledging that the cost of the training is a factor in obtaining the designation. The OIG is absorbing the cost of this pilot program. “We appreciate the support of the Healey-Driscoll Administration, Senate President Spilka, Speaker Mariano and legislative leadership for their support of OIG’s efforts to expand training opportunities for public officials across the Commonwealth,” IG Shapiro said.

For over 25 years, the OIG has offered training on public procurement laws to state and local employees.  Upon completion of the three core courses, an employee can apply for the Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO) designation. The MCPPO Designation is a widely recognized credential indicating knowledge of Massachusetts procurement laws and best practices.


Media Contact   for IG Shapiro Announces Pilot Program to Offer Free Procurement Training to Cities and Towns

  • Office of the Inspector General 

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