State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund (SRBTF)

Oversees the administration and investment management of funds set aside by the Commonwealth and participating local governmental entities to address the liability associated with their retiree health care costs.

Who We Serve

The State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund Board (see members) primarily serves the Commonwealth, municipalities and other governmental entities that elect to invest funds earmarked for retiree health insurance costs with the Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (PRIM). Through careful supervision and prudent investing of these funds by PRIM, participating municipalities and governmental entities are working towards funding post-employment benefits for thousands of former public employees who retire.

If you represent a governmental entity eligible to invest in the SRBTF and are interested in investing your OPEB trust fund through our agency, please visit our Investing in The SRBTF page for more details or contact the PRIM Client Services Group.

Contact Us


Mon-Tue-Thu 9am-5pm


One Ashburton Place, 12th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

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