EZDriveMA is Massachusetts’ all electronic tolling program
The text sits underneath the EZDriveMA logo, which is the program’s name with “Drive” underlined with a road and the mass DOT logo placed right below. The logo and the text fall off screen.
The program operates without toll booths, barriers or gates, allowing traffic to move through toll zones at posted highway speeds
We see a gantry lined up over a road. Cars drive through the gantry without stopping.
There are many ways you can pay tolls
Three icons pop up – images of a Massachusetts E-ZPass transponder, an out-of-state E-ZPass transponder that does not have any Massachusetts branding on it, and a license plate.
Using a Massachusetts transponder is the easiest
E-ZPass MA transponders are free
And offer discounted tolls in Massachusetts
The image of a MA E-ZPass transponder sits below the text, larger than the screen before, and centered. After the text scrolls through, the MA E-ZPass shrinks.
Transponder attaches to the windshield
Sitting inside of a car, we see the MA E-ZPass transponder attach to the inside of a windshield. A gantry stands straight ahead. Red lines extend from the gantry to the MA E-ZPass transponder, demonstrating how the equipment reads devices.
behind your rearview mirror
A rearview mirror appears in front of the MA E-ZPass transponder, opaque enough to still see the transponder behind it. The rearview mirror then disappears again, leaving the transponder in full view.
Equipment reads your transponder
Then your E-ZPass Ma account will be charged accordingly
The screen wipes away and we focus on the image of an E-ZPass transponder from out-of-state. The gantry still stands straight ahead.
Visiting Massachusetts?
Your E-ZPass transponder is accepted
Red lines extend from the gantry to the out-of-state transponder, demonstrating how the equipment works.
If you don’t have a transponder, don’t worry!
You can Pay By Plate
The screen wipes away and the image of a license plate pops in, large and centered.
We’ll mail a Pay By Plate MA toll invoice to the vehicles registered owner
A paper invoice detailing four specific E-ZPass MA charges appears, next to an envelope with an address and a stamp. The invoice is folded into thirds and placed inside the envelope, which is closed, sealed, and sent offscreen.
You can pay your toll invoice
Above the text, a computer appears
by check
Above the text, a paper check and an envelope addressed to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts appears. The check is placed inside the envelope before falling offscreen.
at any EZDriveMA Customer Service Center
The image of an E-ZPass building appears.
Open an E-ZPass MA account today
A start here button appears on screen and links to