
transcript  Prevent Tick Bites

Tick bites can make you very sick

A tick crawls across the screen.

Use an EPA-approved tick repellent anytime you’re outdoors

The tick crawls up to the right side an extended arm. Left of the arm, a repellent spray can appears and sprays the arm. The tick scurries away.

Check for ticks as soon as you come inside

A magnifying glass hovers over the colored background, searching for ticks. It eventually finds one and pauses.

Light colored clothing makes ticks easier to spot

We zoom out from the screen above and see the tick found by the magnifying glass is on the arm of someone’s sweater

If you find a tick attached to your skin, remove it promptly

A tick sits below the text. Tweezers come in and lift the tick offscreen.


They’re out in Mass!

A Learn more here button appears and links to:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health logo sits below the Learn more here button.