
transcript  Stay healthy this flu season

Stay healthy this flu season

Flu germs float behind the text.

Get a flu shot

A patient sits in a chair next to a nurse. A small bandage zooms in from offscreen onto the patient’s upper arm. Both the patient and the nurse smile.

Wash your hands often

Bubbles float up from offscreen, and a running faucet and a soap dispenser appear.

Cover your cough or sneeze

A man sneezes into his bent elbow.

If you’re sick, stay at home

A person sits in bed, underneath the covers, with a hot water balloon on their head. They have a thermometer in their mouth. As the temperature on the thermometer quickly rises, their face quickly turns red as well.

Protect yourself and others from the flu

A Learn more  button appears and links to

The logo for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health appears below the clickable link.