The Paid Family & Medical Leave benefits review process begins once you’ve talked to your employer, created your account, provided documents and submitted your application.
Shows an image with on-screen text: “Talk to your employer” and then turns into a generic webpage with on-screen text: “Create Paid Family and Medical Leave Account”. The screen image then turns to an image on the left of the screen of a generic identification card with text underneath it that reads: “Provide documents” and three documents on the right labeled “Documents.” The next image is an application with a check mark on the left side and text on the right that reads: “Submit; Submit your application”
Quick Tip: A circle appears with the words Quick Tip inside. On-screen text: You must complete all requirements before the review process will begin
The fastest way to start receiving benefits is to submit your application online.
Laptop with on-screen text: “Apply at”
As soon as the Department of Family & Medical Leave receives your completed application and documents we will notify your employer.
Shows an image of an application with a check mark on the left side and on the right side a outline of a person with an exclamation point in a circle.
Notifying your employer could take up to 5 days after we receive your materials.
On-screen text reads: “Notifying your employer could take up to 5 calendar days after we receive your materials.”
Image shows rectangle boxes move together to form a square, then divide into 5 squares, Calendar imagery for 5 days.
Your employer has up to 10 business days to review your application.
On-screen text reads: “Your employer has 10 business days to review your application.” Previous calendar imagery carries over, 5 squares turn into 10.
Then DFML reviews your application and your employer’s response.
The squares combine again and make two documents, one with employers response and another a stack of required documents
If your employer doesn’t respond, DFML still processes your application.
On-screen text reads: “After 10 days DFML will process your application.”
The image shows 10 squares representing 10 days and 10th day is red with an exclamation point.
At any time during the process, we may contact you by phone, email, or mail if we have any questions or if any documents are missing or incomplete.
On-screen text reads: “DFML may reach out to you for more information.“
Three images appear. One on the left is a phone, the middle image is a letter with DFML written on it and the right image is a letter with an exclamation point.
You can check the status of your application - whether it’s been approved, denied or is pending- by logging in to your account
Image with on-screen text that reads: Check your application status. “” appears at the top of the page. An animation appears at the bottom of the page. It starts as a check mark, then an X and finally a clock with the minute hand spinning clockwise.
You’ll typically be notified of our decision within two weeks after your employer responds.
On-screen text reads: “If you submitted your application online, you receive an email notification.”
Graphic of an email from DFML with the words “Application approved”.
Quick Tip: A circle appears with the words Quick Tip inside. On-screen text: “Make sure to add DFML to your safe sender list.”
If your application is denied, you have 10 calendar days to appeal by mail or online. You’ll be instructed how to appeal in the denial notice you receive.
On-screen text reads: “If denied, you may appeal DFML’s decision”
An image with ‘Instructions to appeal’ at the top.
Once your application is approved, you’ll be on track to get payments by direct deposit or check, whichever you choose.
On-screen text reads: “If you’re approved, the payment process begins.
An approved application is highlighted in green and the rectangle page flips and a generic payment account webpage graphic is shown
An image with direct Deposit appears, followed by a check with ‘DFML Family & Medical Leave’ written on it.
Quick Tip: A circle appears with the words Quick Tip inside. On-screen text: “Direct deposit is usually faster.”
If your leave is in the future, payments will begin 2 to 4 weeks after your leave begins. If your leave has already begun, your first payment will be sent 2 weeks after your leave is approved.
On-screen text reads: “The start of weekly payments varies based on when your leave starts”
Kinetic text:
2-4 Weeks after leave starts
2 Weeks after your leave is approved
Quick Tip: A circle appears with the words Quick Tip inside. On-screen text: “You cannot receive accrued benefits like sick or vacation time while getting PFML benefits”
Learn more about applying for paid leave benefits.
On-screen text reads: “Learn more about applying for paid leave benefits.”
Text Box that reads: “Apply Today!” Linked to