
transcript  Winter camping at Mohawk

how would you like to do some winter

camping at a 90-year-old cabin in the

burkers starting January 11th at 9:00

a.m. sharp reservations are open for

Thursday through Saturday winter camping

at Mohawk Trail State

Forest there are six cabins you can book

three like this one were built in 1934

by the civilian conserv a Corp and the

other three were built in the far back

time of

1995 you can tell the difference between

the two because the CCC cabins have

angular cuts on the end the more flat

cut ones come from 95 but before you

book your stay come see what it's like

to Camp a little rustic in the winter




it's nice and cozy once that fire really


going now the cabins don't have indoor

plumbing but they're all within sight of

this heated Comfort station that

features flushing toilets hot showers

and running water the newer cabins have

these great wood stove stoves that even

have enough room to cook on



the CCC cabins have these great wood

stove inserts there's not enough room to

cook on but they look great with the old

chimney and they do have charcoal

camping stoves or sometimes it's a fire

ring with a grilling top on it a lot of

people also just put their little

propane camp stoves right on top we just

asked that you buy the wood from us here

at the park headquarters to cut down on

the chances of invasive insects entering

the park it's only $7 a bundle just be

sure to bring a hatchet to make your own


kindling the roads and paths are all

plowed and cleared by staff but if a

storm rolls in while you're here be

prepared to dig yourself

out same goes for the power power

doesn't go out often here but when it

does go out it could be out for a couple

days so be

prepared also almost no one gets

reception up here so be prepared to

entertain yourself the oldfashioned way

I don't know how to play

this here we go


there is a working pay phone at the park

headquarters in case you need to make a

call bring

quarters so all in all it's a lot like

regular camping there's no running water

so have a plan to clean your own dishes

don't use the sink in the comfort

station please

and just like tent camping carry in

carry out bring a trash bag to pack

everything up

with so check the link with this video

to book your reservation on Thursday and

see if you get one of the cabins that

I've left a fun game in

put the Rubik's Cube in the CCC

cabin ah forget it just going to leave

it here

English (auto-generated)