Year in Review

Since taking office, Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll’s top priority has been building a Massachusetts that’s competitive, equitable, and affordable for every family, worker, and business.

Making Massachusetts More Affordable

More Year One Highlights

Governor Healey and Lieutenant Governor Driscoll delivered on major promises to turn Massachusetts into a climate leader, bring federal funds home to our state, grow and strengthen our workforce, invest in transportation and infrastructure and more. Read promises made and promises delivered.

2023 in Photos

Governor Healey at lunch with elementary school students.
LG Driscoll takes photo with shoppers at grocery store.
Governor Healey puts hand on the shoulder of person at MassAbility press conference.
Governor Healey takes selfie with drag performers on State House steps.
Governor Healey looks back at man being recommended for pardon during press conference.
Governor Healey and LG Driscoll take selfie with student.
Governor Healey and LG Driscoll visit vendor at Big E.
Governor Healey walking up State House steps with Korean President.
Governor Healey with MassReconnect student and family.
Governor Healey with members of the military mustering on Boston Common.
Governor Healey and Secretary Tepper hold fish.
LG Driscoll on Blue Line.
Governor Healey speaks with farmers in a field.
Governor Healey speaks with carpenters.
Governor Healey tours Sumner Tunnel under construction.


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