Municipalities will have an important role in the administration of the Retiree Dental Plan for municipal retirees. Therefore, in order for a municipal retiree or survivor to enroll in the Retiree Dental Plan, the municipality must notify the GIC’s Executive Director of its intent to participate in the program. Municipal retirees and survivors who wish to enroll in the Retiree Dental Plan should contact their municipality to express their interest in the program.
Participating Municipalities. Municipal Employers that currently offer health insurance through the GIC to their active and retired employees pursuant to a Public Employee Committee (PEC) agreement, a § 21 panel order, or special legislation (Springfield, Lawrence), or that will do so as of January 1, 2013 (Orange, Peabody), must notify the GIC’s Executive Director in writing by December 1, 2012 if they wish to offer the GIC’s Retiree Dental Plan as of July 1, 2013. For Municipal Employers that do not opt in this year, these deadlines will repeat in future years (notice by a Municipal Employer by Dec. 1 for coverage the following July 1). Participating municipalities who opt in to the Retiree Dental Plan must do so for the remaining duration of their PEC agreement or order.
At the time that a currently participating Municipal Employer notifies the GIC that it will be extending its PEC agreement for another period of three or six years, the Municipal Employer should also inform the GIC in writing whether it intends to participate in the Retiree Dental Plan during that period. If the Municipal Employer has opted into the GIC Retiree Dental Plan and is silent on the subject at the time of renewal, the Municipal Employer will remain in the Retiree Dental Plan for the duration of the new agreement.
- Example. Town A is currently offering health insurance through the GIC, under the terms of a three-year PEC agreement that will expire on June 30, 2014. They want to offer the GIC Retiree Dental Plan. Town A’s Board of Selectmen should notify the GIC by Dec. 1, 2012 that they wish to opt in to the Retiree Dental Plan, effective July 1, 2013. That election will remain in effect until June 30, 2014 (and may be extended under any future PEC agreement).
Prospective Municipalities (coverage effective July 1, 2013 or later). At the time that a Municipal Employer notifies the GIC that it will be newly transferring its subscribers to the GIC pursuant to c. 32B, § 19 or 23, the Municipal Employer should also inform the GIC in writing whether it intends to opt into the Retiree Dental Plan for the duration of its PEC agreement or panel order. The same deadlines apply as for health coverage (December 1 for July 1 coverage, and July 1 for January 1 coverage). Municipal Employers that opt out at the first opportunity may still opt in at a later date, as described above for participating municipalities.
- Example. In November of 2013, Town B finalizes a § 19 Agreement with its PEC and notifies the GIC that it will be transferring its subscribers to the GIC for a three year period (July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017). Town B may opt into the Retiree Dental Plan as of July 1, 2014 by notifying the GIC by Dec. 1, 2013 (the § 19 deadline). If Town B does not opt in as of Dec. 1, 2013, it has the same option the following Dec. 1.
GIC RMT / EGR Municipalities. Municipalities that participate and intend to remain in the GIC’s Retired Municipal Teacher (RMT) or Elderly Governmental Retiree (EGR) programs do not need to do anything. The GIC’s RMTs and EGRs will continue to be eligible for the Retiree Dental Plan, and are unaffected by the change in law or this bulletin.