
Audit  Audit of the Center for Human Development

The audit examined CHD’s compliance with its representative payee process for residents of Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and Department of Mental Health (DMH) group homes, examined the complaint processes for DDS and DMH-funded group homes and programs, and determined whether the duties and membership composition of the CHD human rights committee (HRC) complied with the HRC bylaws and applicable policies, procedures, and regulations. The audit examined the period from period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020.

Organization: Office of the State Auditor
Date published: December 23, 2021

Executive Summary

In accordance with Section 12 of Chapter 11 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Office of the State Auditor has conducted a performance audit of the Center for Human Development (CHD) for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020. In this performance audit, we examined CHD’s compliance with its representative payee1 process for residents of Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and Department of Mental Health (DMH) group homes, examined the complaint processes for DDS- and DMH-funded group homes and programs, and determined whether the duties and membership composition of the CHD human rights committee (HRC) complied with the HRC bylaws and applicable policies, procedures, and regulations.

Below is a summary of our findings and recommendations, with links to each page listed.

Finding 1

CHD’s and its subcontractor’s HRCs did not review all complaint resolutions for persons served at its DMH and DDS group homes and programs.


  1. CHD should document and implement procedures detailing the process for monitoring and reviewing all DDS and DMH person-served complaints.
  2. CHD should document and implement its oversight procedures to ensure that the subcontractor’s HRC reviews complaints that originate in subcontracted DMH group homes and programs.

Finding 2

CHD had active employees on its HRC.


  1. CHD should establish written procedures that clearly define HRC membership requirements and implement internal controls to ensure that HRC membership composition complies with DDS and DMH requirements.
  2. CHD should ask DDS or DMH officials for clarity regarding any regulation it finds ambiguous.

Finding 3

CHD did not always investigate and resolve DMH person-served complaints in a timely manner or meet with the complainant during an investigation.


  1. CHD should establish monitoring controls to ensure that timelines are met for 10-day fact-finding investigations and administrative resolutions.
  2. CHD should establish monitoring controls to ensure that the responsible person meets with the person served or complainant during any administrative resolution.
  3. CHD should establish monitoring controls to ensure that new employee orientation checklists are completed, have the required signatures, and are retained as evidence that human rights complaint–specific training has been provided to its new employees.

Finding 4

CHD did not always properly administer its representative payee function for DMH persons served.


  1. CHD should document and implement monitoring controls to ensure that check disbursements are not made to staff members from accounts for persons served.
  2. CHD should document and implement monitoring controls to ensure that all required forms used in the representative payee function for its DMH persons served are on file and up to date; that they have the required initials and signatures and supporting documentation for recurring, periodic, and manual payments; and that funds for personal use are correctly disbursed.

Finding 5

CHD did not always properly administer its representative payee function for DDS persons served.


CHD should document and implement monitoring controls to ensure that all required forms used in the representative payee function for its DDS persons served are up to date and have the required initials and signatures, as well as to ensure that personal funds and charges for care are correctly disbursed and supported by the required documentation.

A PDF copy of the Audit of the Center for Human Development is available here.

1.    The Social Security Administration offers a representative payee program to manage benefit payments for beneficiaries who cannot manage their own Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits. The Social Security Administration appoints a suitable representative payee to manage the payments on the beneficiaries’ behalf.





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