
Audit  Audit of the Office of the Governor

The audit examined whether the Office of the Governor filled all vacant seats on the Commonwealth’s active boards and commissions as prescribed by state laws, regulations, or executive orders during the period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020.

Organization: Office of the State Auditor
Date published: September 23, 2021

Executive Summary

In accordance with Section 12 of Chapter 11 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Office of the State Auditor has conducted a performance audit of the Office of the Governor (GOV) for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020. The purpose of our audit was to determine whether GOV had filled all vacant seats on the Commonwealth’s active boards and commissions as prescribed by state laws, regulations, or executive orders.

Below is a summary of our finding and our recommendations, with links to each page listed.

Finding 1

Some state boards and commissions had vacancies that GOV did not fill immediately when members’ terms ended.


  1. GOV should enhance its process to monitor all required appointments by the Governor to ensure that state boards and commissions are filled with appointments by the Governor immediately when members’ terms end.
  2. GOV should implement a review process for any new board or commission created to ensure that it is not duplicative and does not have a mission similar to that of an existing board or commission, and GOV should combine duplicate responsibilities to create a single board or commission.
  3. GOV should develop policies and procedures to ensure that its Intranet Quorum database accurately contains all active state boards and commissions and the appointments made to them.

A PDF of the audit of the Office of the Governor is available here.





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