The residential exemption calculator projects the estimated impact of adopting a Residential Exemption, a local option authorized by M.G.L. Ch. 59, s.5C that allows a community to shift a portion of the tax burden away from certain lower valued residential properties to higher valued homes.
This report show the difference between the levy limit and the amount of real and personal property taxes actually levied in a given year. Annually, the select board or city council must be informed of excess levy capacity and their acknowledgment must be submitted to DLS when setting the tax rate.
This report shows the votes at an election of temporarily increase the levy to raise funds necessary to pay debt service costs for a particular project.
The Community Snapshot provides numerous data points in one report. Data includes socioeconomics, property taxes and property values, receivables, revenues, expenditures, reserves, debt and bond ratings.
This report shows the actual amount added to the levy to raise funds necessary to pay debt service costs for a particular project. This report is only displaying data for votes that were successful (wins) and in the year it impacted the levy.