Date: | 11/04/2024 |
Organization: | Division of Banks |
Docket Number: | 2024-004 |
Whereas, Ironhorse Funding LLC, Beverly, Massachusetts (Ironhorse or the Company), a motor vehicle sales finance company under Massachusetts General Laws (M.G.L.) chapter 255B, section 2 and 209 CMR 20.00 et seq., a retail installment sales finance company, and a registered third party loan servicer under M.G.L. chapter 93, section 24A, in its own capacity and as servicer for Open Road Finance Corp. (Open Road) and Two Wheeler Finance, LLC (Two Wheeler), has entered into a Stipulation and Consent to the Issuance of a Consent Order (Consent Agreement) with representatives of the Division of Banks (Division) dated November 4, 2024, whereby, solely for the purpose of settling this matter, and without admitting any allegations or implications of fact or the existence of any violation of state or federal laws and regulations governing the conduct and operation of a motor vehicle sales finance company, retail installment sales finance company, or third party loan servicer, Ironhorse agrees to the issuance of this CONSENT ORDER (Consent Order) by the Commissioner of Banks (Commissioner);
Whereas, an examination of Ironhorse was conducted for the period 2020 - 2021 pursuant to General Laws chapter 255B, section 3 and General Laws chapter 93, section 24D as of February 16, 2022 to assess the Company’s level of compliance with applicable Massachusetts and federal statutes, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of those engaged in the consumer finance businesses for which the Company was licensed or registered in the Commonwealth, including, but not limited to, the Company’s activities as servicer on behalf of Open Road and Two Wheeler;
Whereas, the Report of Examination (the Report) issued pursuant to the Division’s examination of Ironhorse alleged substantial non-compliance with applicable state statutes, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of those engaged in business for which the Company was licensed or registered in the Commonwealth;
Whereas, during the period between the examination in 2022 and the Division’s issuance of the Report in 2024, Ironhorse represents that it has improved its compliance management system, refined its policies and procedures, and increased its training of employees with respect to compliance with applicable Massachusetts law;
Whereas, as of the date of this Consent Order, Ironhorse’s motor vehicle sales finance company license MV1743763 and retail installment sales finance company license RI1743763 are both in a terminated status due to the Company’s failure to timely apply for renewal for 2024; and
Whereas, the parties now seek to resolve by mutual agreement the matters identified in the Report.