Division of Banks (DOB)

The Division of Banks (DOB) is the chartering authority and primary regulator for financial service providers in Massachusetts. DOB's primary mission is to ensure a sound, competitive, and accessible financial services environment throughout the Commonwealth.

Contact Us


Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Use this number if you are hearing impaired.


(617) 956-1599


Main Office
1000 Washington Street
10th Floor
Boston, MA 02118-6400

Who we serve

The DOB supervises nearly 140 state-chartered banks and credit unions and over 14,500 non-depository licensees doing business in Massachusetts. The supervision of these entities allow us to implement and enforce consumer protection laws while providing consumers the information needed to make informed financial decisions.

Non-depository institutions doing business in Massachusetts supervised by the DOB include:

  • Mortgage lenders
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Mortgage loan originators
  • Consumer finance companies
  • Money service businesses
  • Debt collectors
  • Loan servicers 
  • Student Loan servicers

Learn more about the DOB, the departmental units, and the Commissioner of Banks

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