- This page, Abington Intersection Improvements at Hancock and Chestnut Streets, is offered by
- Highway Division
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Public Hearing Notice Abington Intersection Improvements at Hancock and Chestnut Streets
Overview of Abington Intersection Improvements at Hancock and Chestnut Streets
A Design Public Hearing will be held to present the design for the proposed Intersection Improvements at Hancock and Chestnut Streets project in Abington, MA.
The purpose of this hearing is to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Intersection Improvements at Hancock and Chestnut Streets project. All views and comments submitted in response to the hearing will be reviewed and considered to the maximum extent possible.
The proposed project consists of safety and operational improvements at the Chestnut Street and Hancock Street intersection where a significant crash history has been experienced. After a thorough alternatives analysis through the Town's public process, the concept of converting the existing unsignalized intersection to a modern single-lane roundabout gained overwhelming support. In addition, the roundabout is anticipated to reduce vehicle speeds and conflict points as well as reduce delays and idling time. Each approach of the roundabout would consist of a single approach lane and single departure lane, separated by a splitter island. The roundabout's splitter islands will result in shorter pedestrian crossing distances and refuge areas for pedestrians to cross one directional lane of traffic at a time. Sidewalks are proposed to replace existing sidewalks and be ADA/AAB compliant. Adjustments to the vertical alignment along the southern Hancock Street approach will improve sight lines. Shared use accommodations consisting of a wide outside travel lane with shared lane markings have been provided in accordance with applicable design guides.
A secure right-of-way is necessary for this project. Acquisitions in fee and permanent or temporary easements may be required. The Town of Abington is responsible for acquiring all needed rights in private or public lands. MassDOT’s policy concerning land acquisitions will be presented in the hearing.
Project inquiries, written statements and other exhibits regarding the proposed undertaking may be submitted to Carrie E. Lavallee, P.E., Chief Engineer, via e-mail to MassDOTProjectManagement@dot.state.ma.us or via US Mail to Suite 7550, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, Attention: Project Management, Project File No. 609440. Statements and exhibits intended for inclusion in the public hearing transcript must be emailed or postmarked no later than ten (10) business days (14 calendar days) after the hearing is hosted on the MassDOT website listed below.
This hearing is accessible to people with disabilities. MassDOT provides reasonable accommodations and/or language assistance free of charge upon request (e.g interpreters in American Sign Language and languages other than English, live captioning, videos, assistive listening devices and alternate material formats), as available. For accommodation or language assistance, please contact MassDOT’s Chief Diversity and Civil Rights Officer by phone (857-368-8580), TTD/TTY at (857) 266-0603, fax (857) 368-0602 or by email (MassDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us). Requests should be made as soon as possible and prior to the hearing, and for more difficult to arrange services including sign-language, CART or language translation or interpretation, requests should be made at least ten business days before the hearing.
This hearing will be hosted, or a cancellation announcement posted, on this website.