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Assisted Living Advisory Council Quarterly Meeting (ALAC)
Overview of Assisted Living Advisory Council Quarterly Meeting (ALAC)
Assisted Living Advisory Council Quarterly Meeting (ALAC)
March 27, 2018
10:00 to 11:30 am
Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Manning Conference Room
One Ashburton Place 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
I. Call to Order – Secretary Bonner, Committee Chair
II. Welcome and Introductions
III. Review and Approval of Minutes (January 29th, 2018)
IV. EOEA Updates
A. Draft ALR Monthly Rate Disclosure Form
V. Person-centered care planning and interventions for individuals with various forms of
dementia and mental/behavioral health issues
A. Use of psychoactive medications in SCR, including PRN medications
VI. Hourly checks in SCR
VII. Industry Updates
VIII. Other Topics for Discussion
IX. Next Meeting: June 26th, 2018