- This page, Board of Elevator Regulations Meeting 3/29/2022, is offered by
- Division of Occupational Licensure
- Office of Public Safety and Inspections
- Board of Elevator Regulations
- Board of Elevator Examiners
Public Meeting Notice
Public Meeting Notice Board of Elevator Regulations Meeting 3/29/2022
March 23, 2022 4:18 p.m.
Overview of Board of Elevator Regulations Meeting 3/29/2022
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+1 857-327-9245,,144252172# United States, Boston
Phone Conference ID: 144 252 712#
Open PDF file, 150.89 KB,
BER Agenda 3.29.22
(English, PDF 150.89 KB)
Open PDF file, 146.36 KB,
BER Notice 3.29.22
(English, PDF 146.36 KB)