- This page, Hearing for Proposed Regulation 700 CMR 14 - Prequalification of Contractors and Subcontractors, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Highway Division
Public Hearing Notice Hearing for Proposed Regulation 700 CMR 14 - Prequalification of Contractors and Subcontractors
Overview of Hearing for Proposed Regulation 700 CMR 14 - Prequalification of Contractors and Subcontractors
Notice is hereby given pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 3 that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will hold a virtual public hearing and accept public comments regarding proposed new regulation 700 CMR 14.00 Prequalification of Contractors and Subcontractors and the rescission of prior regulation 720 CMR 5.00 Prequalification of Contractors and Prospective Bidders for Statewide Engineering Field Survey Services.
Pursuant to G.L. c. 81, 8B, 700 CMR 14.00 prescribes procedure for any contractor proposing to bid on work under the direction of the Department of Transportation or other awarding authority for which prequalification is required. The proposed regulation replaces, in substantially similar fashion, obsolete 720 CMR 5.00, which is being repealed concurrently. The proposed regulation does not impose new costs on small businesses.
A virtual public hearing will be held online on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
You will need for Hearing for Proposed Regulation 700 CMR 14 - Prequalification of Contractors and Subcontractors
Testimony may be presented orally at the public hearing or in writing. While MassDOT encourages all interested parties to submit testimony in advance of the hearing, written comments will be accepted until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Written comments must be submitted by email or postal mail to the following address. Email is strongly preferred.
Email: owen.kane@dot.state.ma.us
Postal Mail:
Attn: Owen Kane
Office of the General Counsel
10 Park Plaza, Room 3510
Boston, MA 02116
A copy of proposed 700 CMR 14.00 may be obtained by email to owen.kane@dot.state.ma.us or downloaded online at the meeting registration link above.
This hearing is accessible to participants with disabilities. For accommodation or language assistance requests, please contact MassDOT’s Chief Diversity & Civil Rights Officer by phone at (857) 368-8580, TTD/TTY at (857) 266 0603, fax (857) 368 0602 or by email to MassDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us. Requests should be made as soon as possible, ideally at least ten business days before the hearing.