Minutes for Law Enforcement Body Camera Task Force Drafting Subcommittee Meeting

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Law Enforcement Body Camera Task Force Drafting Subcommittee Meeting

February 1, 2022, 10:00 a.m.

Where: Microsoft Teams (Virtual Meeting)


Chair Angela Davis called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m., attendance was taken and a quorum established.  Chair Davis invited members to introduce themselves, followed by a welcome to attending guests.


Members Present

Asst. U/S Angela Davis (Chair)

Attorney Stephen Carley

Tim Mitchell

Attorney Alyssa Hackett



Chair Davis reviewed the timeline for the Subcommittee.  All Subcommittee sections should be completed and submitted in the next week or so.   Public comment hearing should be held in March and she suggested that March 22nd could be a tentative date to target.  February will be used by this committee to edit draft for the larger Task Force to review.  The subcommittee agreed with the timeline. Next two meetings will likely be February 15 and March 1st.


Chair Davis then reviewed the draft process.  MSP framework has been pulled in as a guide and the Technology and Procurement Subcommittee has submitted their work.  It is embedded into the draft doc as a red line edit.  Chair asked folks if they would like to hold off on edits until next week when hopefully more of the additional sections are added.  It was agreed by the members to hold off on edits until the majority of the draft is together for review.  However the Chair will still send out copy as it currently stands.  Stephen suggested that EOPSS might have a copy of similar work that provides the format and style of language we should use in our draft.  Chair said she would follow up with EOPSS.  Chair will send that copy along with draft and a link to Sec. of States regulations which Stephen provided as well.  Chair also asked members to each bring at least one question to the 2/8 Task Force Mtg for the Secretary of State’s Office, pointed around fees scheduling and procedures for PD’s to handle record requests.


Chair welcomed the guests to offer comment, no public comments were made.


Chair welcomed any outstanding concerns that did not make the agenda.  None were raised.


Chair entertained a motion to adjourn which passed at 10:35 a.m.

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