- Posted: September 18, 2019 9:04 a.m.
- Last Updated: September 18, 2019 9:16 a.m.
- This page, MA Shellfish Initiative Public Meeting, is offered by
- Division of Marine Fisheries
Public Meeting Notice MA Shellfish Initiative Public Meeting
Overview of MA Shellfish Initiative Public Meeting
A comment period and four public meetings to solicit preliminary public and stakeholder feedback to inform The Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative (MSI) Taskforce’s Strategic Plan have been scheduled. Anyone interested in participating in the development of a strategic plan focused on protecting public access to, and ensuring the sustainability of, the Commonwealth’s shellfish resources are encouraged to submit written comments and/or attend one of the four scheduled public hearings.
The deadline for written comments has been extended to 5pm on October 21, 2019. Public comments will also be accepted verbally at one of the four scheduled public meetings. Comments should directly address shellfish management in the Commonwealth or one or multiple MSI Strategic Plan thematic areas of interest:
1. Building public and stakeholder capacity and support for shellfish.
2. Management, research, and industry resource development.
3. Supporting and promoting cultural and historical uses of shellfish.
4. Supporting and promoting balanced and sustainable economic opportunities around shellfish.
5. Fostering communication and coordination between local, state and federal managers and developing improved guidance.
6. Ensuring ecologically sound management/enhancement of shellfish resources and coastal ecosystems.
For more information and to submit written comments please email: roleary@maritime.edu
Background: The MSI is an initiative developed in partnership with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and shellfish stakeholders from across the State. The MSI is intended to bring state and local shellfish resource managers, commercial and recreational harvesters, aquaculturists, researchers, and the general public together to develop a strategic plan aimed at optimizing the economic, environmental, and social benefits of the Commonwealth’s shellfish resources. MSI is not a regulatory body and cannot change regulation or policies. Partial funding for the MSI has been provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. To learn more about the MSI and see the draft Assessment report please visit http://www.massshellfishinitiative.org/.