- This page, North Washington Street bridge replacement - November 15, 2023 public meeting, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Highway Division
Public Meeting Notice North Washington Street bridge replacement - November 15, 2023 public meeting
Overview of North Washington Street bridge replacement - November 15, 2023 public meeting
What is happening?
MassDOT is hosting two in person public information meetings (one in the North End and one in Charlestown) to provide updates on construction activities on the North Washington Street Bridge (Charlestown Bridge). During this meeting, MassDOT will discuss the estimated project milestones, including when traffic will begin shifting onto the new bridge. Both meetings will share the same information. MassDOT is hosting two meetings to accommodate everyone’s schedules as much as possible.
How will this affect you?
All residents, abutters, local business owners, and interested persons are invited to attend these meetings. There will be a presentation followed by a question-and-answer period. Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese interpreters will be available at the meeting held in Charlestown.
Project inquiries may also be emailed to: NorthWashingtonStreet@dot.state.ma.us