- This page, Public comment period and hearing on proposed amendments to 700 CMR 3.00, is offered by
- Highway Division
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Public Hearing Notice Public comment period and hearing on proposed amendments to 700 CMR 3.00
Overview of Public comment period and hearing on proposed amendments to 700 CMR 3.00
Notice is hereby given pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 2-3, that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, ("MassDOT") will hold a virtual public hearing on Friday April 5, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and accept written public comment until 5:00 p.m. on April 5, 2024, the same day, concerning the following regulatory action:
Amend 700 CMR 3.00 - Control and Restriction of Billboards, Signs and Other Advertising Devices
The proposed amendment clarifies ambiguities in the language about where billboards are permitted as it relates to roadway interchanges and ramps for the preservation motor vehicle safety on MassDOT roadways.
MassDOT will hold this hearing remotely on the date and time specified above. To join the hearing, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81281450237
Individuals who notify MassDOT of their intent to testify during the hearing will be afforded an earlier opportunity to speak. Speakers are strongly encouraged to notify MassDOT of their intention to testify at the hearing by emailing the address below with the subject line "Regulation Hearing Comment - Control and Restriction of Billboards, Signs and Other Advertising Devices." Written comments must be submitted by email or postal mail to the following address:
Email: Eileen.Fenton@dot.state.ma.us
Postal Mail:
Eileen Fenton
Managing Counsel
10 Park Plaza, Suite 3510
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
A copy of the above-listed regulations may be obtained by request to the above address or email address.
MassDOT may adopt a revised version of the proposed action taking into account relevant comments received and any other practical alternatives that come to its attention.
For accommodation or language assistance requests, please contact MassDOT’s Chief Diversity & Civil Rights Officer by phone at (857) 368-8580, TTD/TTY at (857) 266 0603, fax (857) 368 0602 or by email to MassDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us. Requests should be made as soon as possible, ideally at least five business days before the close of the public hearing.