Public Meeting Notice

Public Meeting Notice  Route 114 Danvers/Peabody Safety Improvements Project Public Workshop

Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.


Torigian Senior Center, Peabody Council on Aging, 75R Central St, Peabody, MA 01960

Contact   for Route 114 Danvers/Peabody Safety Improvements Project Public Workshop

Route 114 Danvers/Peabody safety improvements project

Overview   of Route 114 Danvers/Peabody Safety Improvements Project Public Workshop

MassDOT is making safety improvements to the Route 114 Corridor from LeBlanc Drive in Danvers, just west of the Route 1 interchange, to Esquire Drive in Peabody, just east of the North Shore Mall. This project is being implemented in tiers, with the first tier of improvements being installed this Fall. This public workshop will be an interactive in-person workshop geared toward providing feedback on Tier 1 and discussing what the public would like to see in Tier 2. Residents and stakeholders will have the opportunity to discuss safety issues and opportunities for Route 114 with the Project Team utilizing maps and small breakout groups to facilitate discussion.

This meeting will not have a hybrid or virtual option; however, comments can be submitted via email to or through a project survey on the project website located at

Contact   for Route 114 Danvers/Peabody Safety Improvements Project Public Workshop

Help Us Improve  with your feedback

Please do not include personal or contact information.