- This page, Route 79-Davol Street Corridor Improvements Public Information Meeting, 3/30/23, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Highway Division
Public Meeting Notice Route 79-Davol Street Corridor Improvements Public Information Meeting, 3/30/23
Overview of Route 79-Davol Street Corridor Improvements Public Information Meeting, 3/30/23
A Live Virtual Public Informational Meeting has been scheduled on March 30 at 6:30 pm to present a construction update and an overview of upcoming impacts. The meeting will begin with a presentation that provides an overview of construction activities and resulting travel and parking effects. Members of the project team will then be available to respond to questions and comments from attendees.
Davol Street and Route 79 run along the Taunton Riverfront in Fall River. MassDOT is redesigning the mile-long corridor to improve mobility, connectivity, and safety along and across Route 79 and Davol Street. The project team will provide updates and notifications about upcoming construction impacts, including changes to available parking and the need for detours adjacent to work zones.
For accommodation or language assistance, please contact MassDOT's Office of Diversity and Civil Rights by phone (857-368-8580), fax (857-368-0602), TTD/TTY (857-368-0603) or by email (MassDOT.CivilRights@dot.state.ma.us).