- This page, Statewide Veterans' Council Meeting (Hybrid), is offered by
- Executive Office of Veterans Services
Public Meeting Notice Statewide Veterans' Council Meeting (Hybrid)
Contact for Statewide Veterans' Council Meeting (Hybrid)
Ernestina Sirignano, Executive Assistant
Overview of Statewide Veterans' Council Meeting (Hybrid)
This hybrid meeting will be audio recorded to meet the Open Meeting Law requirements, and to preserve conversations and deliberations to use in the production of meeting minutes and preservation for historical purposes.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91723631682?pwd=b0FXMTBhcVQ5UFBmRzAyVGNrc3psQT09
Meeting ID: 917 2363 1682
Passcode: 118890
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,91723631682#,,,,*118890#
- Call to order and member roll call, Chairman Robert Engell, Executive Director, Homes and Housing
- Welcome, Secretary Santiago, MD, MPH Secretary, EOVS
- Member Introductions, All
- Vision for Council, Robert Engell
- Review of Chapter 144, Matt Deacon, General Counsel, EOVS
- Educational Program: Office of Inspector General, Natalie Monroe, First Assistant Inspector General, MA Office of Inspector General
- Reporting from Holyoke and Chelsea Veterans’ Homes, Michael Lazo, Superintendent, Veterans’ Home in Holyoke and Robert Engell, Acting Superintendent, Veterans’ Home in Chelsea
You will need for Statewide Veterans' Council Meeting (Hybrid)
* Persons interested in making an oral comment at the meeting should contact Ernestina Sirignano in the Executive Office of Veterans Services, at email ernestina.sirignano@mass.gov. Requests in advance of the meeting can be made until 12:00pm, Monday, March 27, 2023.
The email should include the name of the person interested in providing oral testimony, title, organization/affiliation, contact information, and a brief summary of the principal points to be made during the presentation. Also, an individual may register to make an oral comment at the meeting location; the Council may be unable to accommodate these requests in light of time constraints, and time (no more than 3 minutes) will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.