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AGR Language Access Plan

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In accordance with Executive Order #615, MDAR is in the process of creating a Language Access Plan (“LAP”) to minimize language access barriers and ensure all persons have equitable access to MDAR’s programs and services.  

In order to identify the language needs of our constituents, MDAR has created the following survey. If you have any additional comments or concerns, please reach out MDAR’s Environmental Justice Team: 

In understanding busy schedules this time of year, we are presenting a draft plan for you to read and react in a time that makes sense for you. If there are translation needs for your partners, we can offer that as well. You can provide input via the survey below.

Once the Language Access Plan is published, we will continue to welcome your feedback so that the plan reflects your needs, and the needs of the people you serve. 

Help Us Improve Mass.gov  with your feedback

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