EEA seeks to protect, preserve, and enhance the Commonwealth’s environmental resources while ensuring a clean energy future for the state’s residents. Through the stewardship of open space, protection of environmental resources, and enhancement of clean energy, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs works tirelessly to make Massachusetts a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family.
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Contact Us
10th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Who we serve
The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs serves:
- Commonwealth residents interested in outdoor recreational opportunities
- Energy consumers and power companies
- Residents and businesses interacting with environmental protection laws and regulations
- Clean energy companies and residents interested in clean energy
- Farmers
- Residents who work with animals
Recent news & announcements
Our Organizations
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Department of Conservation & Recreation
- Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Department of Fish and Game
Department of Public Utilities
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
The Massachusetts Office of Outdoor Recreation
- Office of Environmental Justice & Equity (OEJE)
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
- Office of Energy Transformation
- Massachusetts Environmental Police
- Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Office
- Administrative Council on Toxics Use Reduction
- Advisory Committee to the Administrative Council on Toxics Use Reduction
Massachusetts Environmental Trust
- Division of Conservation Services
- Water Resources Commission
- Water Infrastructure Advisory Committee
- EEA Office of Grants and Technical Assistance
- Drought Management Task Force
- Office of Technical Assistance and Technology (OTA)
- Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel
- Department of Conservation and Recreation Special Commission
- Mosquito Control for the Twenty-First Century Task Force
- Federal and Regional Energy Affairs (FREA)
- Office of Climate Science (OCS)
- Environmental Justice Council
- Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals
What would you like to do?
- Civil Rights & Non-Discrimination Policy and Grievance Procedure
- Pop-Up Forum on Grid Enhancing Technologies
- Home and Auto Fuel Prices
- ATV and Snowmobile Registration
- Information for Consumers about the Electric Industry
- Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Boat and Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Safety Courses
- Adapting to Climate Change
- Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) Program
- Information for Bus, Moving, and Towing Companies
- APR Program Review
- Boat Registration
- Environmental Assistance Services for Businesses
- Commercial Fishing
- Freshwater Fishing
- Recreational Saltwater Fishing
- Camping at Massachusetts State Parks
- Guidance Regarding the Orders by the Governor Extending Certain Occupational and Professional Licenses Energy and Environmental Affairs and Constituent Agencies and Boards
Featured Topics
Learn about heating your home, improving energy efficiency, investing in renewable energy, and more.
Massachusetts leads the nation in efforts to protect our climate and reduce emissions. Find the information you need to keep our land, air, and water clean for future generations.
Parks & Recreation
Find information about Massachusetts state parks, programs and events. Explore recreational activities such as camping, fishing and ice skating.
Fishing & Hunting
Explore the great outdoors in Massachusetts. Here you’ll find the information you need to enjoy fishing and hunting opportunities.
Boats & Recreational Vehicles
Before you set sail in your boat or hit the trails on your off-road vehicle or snowmobile, learn about registration, safety information, and more.
Exploring Massachusetts
Massachusetts has so much to offer when it comes to natural beauty and family-friendly fun. Visit our state parks, museums, and other attractions.