CZM Public Records Requests

Learn how to request access to public records from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

CZM encourages you to use the form below to make a Public Records Request (PRR). This helps to ensure the most expeditious and accurate response to your request. Otherwise, written requests may be delivered by hand, mail, or email. While requests for public records may be made orally in person to the Primary Records Access Officer (RAO), only written requests can be appealed. Telephone requests may be accepted at the discretion of the RAO.

CZM has designated the following employee as the Primary RAO who will assist you in fulfilling your requests.

Sean Duffey, Primary RAO
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114

Phone: (617) 890-9139

Only questions pertaining to the PRR process or a PRR status should be sent to the email account of the Primary RAO.

Public Records Requests Tips

Consider how you can narrow the scope of your request to expedite the production process. The first four hours of work performed to respond to a PRR will be performed at no cost. After that, the agency may charge up to $25 per hour.

Public agencies must adhere to the law requiring them to secure personally identifiable information and prevent unwarranted invasions of privacy. Documents containing such information must be redacted carefully before releasing, expanding time needed for production. Consider how you might revise your PRR to exclude records containing such information.

Contacting a Secretariat or Agency

To help avoid delay in responses, please consider whether your public record request would more appropriately be directed to a different agency.

Each secretariat and agency has a designated RAO who will receive and respond to public records requests.

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