Please read the Section 3A Compliance Guidelines and the Instructions before starting to complete this form. Find these documents at
This application must be submitted for MBTA communities to comply with Section 3A of the Zoning Act and with the Compliance Guidelines for Multi-family Zoning Districts issued by DHCD (now EOHLC) August 10, 2022, as revised (Compliance Guidelines).
This application must be submitted by a municipal official and must include the signature of the municipal CEO. A red asterisk (*) next to a question on this form indicates that a response is required. Users will not be able to submit the form unless all required answers are completed. Other documentation required to be submitted with this form includes:
- A completed Compliance Model Excel workbook file demonstrating the district's "zoning metrics", including land area, estimated unit capacity, gross density, geographic contiguity, and, if applicable, the percentage of district land area and unit capacity (relative to the community's minimum requirements) that is within transit station areas
- A copy of the municipal zoning ordinance or bylaw and zoning map
- A zip folder containing GIS shapefile(s) for the zoning district(s) designated for compliance
- If the MBTA community is a town, a copy of the Attorney General approval letter for the district(s) OR if the district(s) was recently adopted or amended, a copy of “Form 7” evidencing that the zoning was submitted to the Attorney General’s office
- A statement on municipal letterhead signed by the city or town clerk, certifying that the zoning maps and text submitted in connection with this application is the complete and up to date zoning in the municipality