Emergency work in wetland resource areas necessary for the protection of the health or safety of the citizens of the Commonwealth may be allowed in two ways.
- First, MassDEP Wetland, 401, and Waterways regulations all allow for emergency authorizations to repair damaged structures from localized sudden or unforeseen events and when conducted by an agency of the Commonwealth or when ordered to be performed by a public agency. Work under these emergency provisions requires notice, public agency approval or directives, and issuance of an emergency certification by the conservation commission.
- A second type of emergency authorization may result from severe storms that cause regional or statewide damage, such as ice storms or hurricanes. In such cases, MassDEP may issue emergency regulations that allow repair to storm damaged property without need for local approval. When emergencies regulations are issued for severe storms that cause wide spread damage, they will be posted to MassDEP's web site.