Advantages of creating a profile
- The system works for you. If the system has your email it will send you a notification any time a new job posting matches your skills. This way you can immediately look at the posting and apply for that job.
- The system keeps all your information. This way you do not have to re-input your address, education, certifications and other common information. Each time you apply for another job the information is right there. Check it, correct/ edit/ update/ add to it and your application is ready to go.
Step 1. Go to Career Section - Create a Profile
Step 2. Press Insert + F7 to access the Links List. Press the letter A until you hear ALL JOBS and press Enter. You will arrive at the All Jobs Page.
Step 3. Press Insert + F7 to access the Links List. Press CTRL + END which will take you to the bottom of the links list. This entry should read Access My Profile. Press Enter. You should arrive at the Privacy Agreement page.
Step 4. Press the letter B until you hear I ACCEPT button. Then press Enter. You should arrive at the Login page.
Step 5. Your cursor should be in the User Name edit box and you should be in Forms Mode. Get out of forms mode by pressing NumPad +. You should now be in Virtual Cursor mode.
Step 6. Press the letter B until you get to the New User button. Press Enter. You should arrive at the New User Registration page.
Step 7. When you arrive on this page you are not immediately placed into the form fields. You are taken to the Welcome message at the top of the page. Tab to enter the first form field, User Name. You should be in Forms Mode. Fill in a user name. Tab to the next Form Field, Password. Enter a password based on these rules: the password must be between 6 and 32 characters. It must contain at least one of each of these: an upper case alphabet character, a lower case alphabet character, a number and one or more of these special characters: !, %, #, ?. Your password must not be the same as your user name or your email address.
Step 8. When you have finished filling in the form, Tab to the Register button. Press Enter. You will arrive at the Security Questions page.
Step 9. You will not be placed into the first form field edit box. You will be placed at the top of the page which will then be read to you. Press the letter H which will take you to the heading Security Question.
Step 10. Down arrow to read the short explanation to the security question.
Step 11. Down arrow again. You will be placed in the first form field box, Question. This is a mandatory field. Fill in a question.
Step 12. Tab to the next field, Answer. Fill in an answer.
Step 13. Tab to the next field, Confirm Answer. Fill in the same answer.
Step 14. Repeat this same sequence for the next three fields, which are Question, Answer and Confirm Answer. The two questions and answers must be different from one another.
Step 15. Tab to the OK button. Press Enter. You will arrive at the first page of the General Profile.