Health Impact Assessment

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a tool to identify potential health impacts and benefits of a proposed project, program, or policy decision and recommend strategies that best protect and promote health.

An HIA can be applied to evaluate a proposed project, program, or policy across many different sectors. The goal of HIAs is to bring a wide range of public health concerns into the decision-making process to reduce impacts and promote healthy communities. HIAs can be useful in assessing health risks and benefits of decisions where health is not typically considered, including those involving transportation and land use planning projects.

Health and environmental datasets provided on the MA EPHT portal can help inform HIAs. The portal is uniquely positioned to inform HIA practice by:

- Improving access to baseline health and environmental data
- Providing content developed by specialists in data analyses, GIS, data visualization, epidemiology, toxicology, and risk communication
- Serving as a tool supporting the development of collaborative partnerships and cross-program activities or initiatives

Please visit the HIA webpage on the MA EPHT portal for links to HIA conducted at DPH and tools to help you conduct your HIA.

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