Apply for a Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant

This program provides grants to Massachusetts businesses and non-profit organizations to expand recycling, reuse, and composting infrastructure in Massachusetts.
Application Submission Deadline: To Be Announced

Recycling Business Development Grant Questions?

The Details   of Apply for a Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant

About this program   for Apply for a Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant

A list of awarded Recycling and Reuse Business Development Grants is available to view.

The current application round includes grants for both processing and collection of specified target materials.  An entity can apply for both collection and processing, but MassDEP will only award one grant per applicant.

Key informationProcessing of target materialsCollection of target materials
Award amount$50,000 to $400,000 (max)$25,000 to $100,000 (max)
Required minimum match by applicant25% of the requested amount50% of the requested amount
Eligible materials(a) Container glass,
(b) Bulky reusable materials,
(c) Construction & Demolition Materials,
(d) Textiles,
(e) Food Materials,
(f) Mattresses
(a) Surplus food for donation,
(b) Food waste,
(c) Mattresses,
(d) Textiles
Eligible grant funded costs

Equipment or other capital costs for

(1) Processing activities,
(2) Manufacturing activities,
(3) Reuse activities

(1) Purchase of a truck,
(2) Purchase of collection containers to expand collection routes and services, and
(3) Purchase of equipment or software to increase route efficiency
Project duration30 months maximum12 months maximum

This chart provides summary information.  Please refer to the grant guidance documents for additional details.

2024 RBDG Grant Recipients

How to apply   Apply for a Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant

Next steps   for Apply for a Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant

  1. Eligible Applicants

    To apply, you must:

    • Be a company or corporation (for-profit or non-profit) properly licensed to do business in Massachusetts, including being listed with the Secretary of State’s office.
    • Manage one of the eligible materials.
    • Operate a location in Massachusetts where the proposed processing or collection activity will occur.
    • Have been in substantial compliance with federal and state environmental laws for the past three years.
    • Provide a minimum required financial match (25% for processing, 50% for collection).

    All grants made under the RBDG program should provide a measurable economic benefit to Massachusetts.

  2. Eligible Projects

    Please see the eligible materials and eligible grant funded costs in the above table, in the Review the Guidance step, and the case studies below.

  3. Review the Guidance

    To learn more about grant eligibility and application requirements, please read the documents below.

    Guidance Document (Processing)

    Guidance Document (Collection)

  4. Complete & Submit Your Application

    MassDEP will be accepting applications online only. Follow the links below to apply.

    The next Application Submission Deadline will be announced in Spring 2025.

    APPLY ONLINE: RBDG Collection Grant

    APPLY ONLINE: RBDG Processing Grant

  5. MassDEP Reviews All Applications

    The agency will evaluate:

    • Your capabilities and experience;
    • The extent to which your proposed project fosters stronger local recycling markets;
    • The technical feasibility of the investment;
    • The applicant’s financial match (note: proposing a match will be viewed favorably during this evaluation);
    • Whether you are listed among and/or commit to purchase from Commonwealth Supplier Diversity Program-certified businesses; and
    • The likelihood of success and continued sustainability of the investment after the grant.

    MassDEP may require a site visit and/or interview with top-ranked applicants as part of its evaluation.

    Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.  Applications cannot be revised after submission.

    RBDG contracts will be limited to 12 months for collection grants and 30 months for processing grants.

  6. Sign a Grant Agreement with MassDEP

    If your organization is selected to receive a MassDEP Recycling Business Development Grant, it will need to sign a contract that stipulates, among other things:

    • MassDEP staff reserves the right to visit your Massachusetts location(s) during the grant period.

    • Purchases of equipment prior to MassDEP confirming execution of a grant contract are not eligible for this grant program and will not be reimbursed.

    • For collection grants, payments will be made on a reimbursement basis, in a single payment to be made after you have documented the purchase and delivery of equipment.

    • For processing grants, payments will be reimbursed on completion of 3 tasks (Task 1 for equipment purchase, Task 2 for performance-based payment and Task 3 for final reporting).

    • You will be required to submit a summary report on the use of this equipment to MassDEP within one year of its purchase and delivery.

    If selected for award, other specific terms and conditions will be outlined in the grant agreement.

Contact   for Apply for a Recycling & Reuse Business Development Grant

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