Admissions Coordinator
The Details of Apply for admissions at the Veterans Home at Holyoke
What you need for Apply for admissions at the Veterans Home at Holyoke
Eligibility for admission to the Veterans Home in Holyoke is based on the applicant’s status as a Veteran (for the criteria visit the Secretary of State Commonwealth of Massachusetts web site).
Our admission process is based on the medical needs of the veteran applicant, our ability to meet the needs of each applicant, and the available bed space within our facility, which is divided into the various levels of care we provide. The levels of care include an extended care unit for veterans with elopement / wandering tendencies, and units for veterans at various stages of cognitive impairment and functional abilities. We review each veteran applicant on a case by case basis.
To be considered for admission to the Veterans Home in Holyoke, applicants must download either the WORD or PDF version of the application from the links supplied below and complete the form in its entirety. Please Note: This application must be filled out by the VETERAN APPLICANT or their INVOKED HEALTH CARE PROXY. If filled out by the invoked Health Care Proxy the letter of invocation must be submitted with the application.
How to apply Apply for admissions at the Veterans Home at Holyoke
Veterans Home in Holyoke, Department of Admissions
110 Cherry Street, Holyoke, MA 01040
Admissions Fax Number
Email to:
More info for Apply for admissions at the Veterans Home at Holyoke
Once the application is completed and returned, an Interdisciplinary team consisting of medical, nursing, social services and admission staff, will review the information and will then advise you on the next steps.
Downloads for Apply for admissions at the Veterans Home at Holyoke
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