Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

A Direct Shipment license allows the holder to sell and deliver wine directly to Massachusetts residents who are 21 years of age or older.
Once an application is submitted via our eLicensing system, the typical turnaround time is 4 – 6 weeks.

Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission

Deron Egbuche

The Details   of Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

What you need   for Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

To apply for a Direct Shipment License pursuant to M.G.L. c. 138, § 19F you will need electronic copies of the documents listed below.

Required Documents for ALL new Direct Shipment licenses:

In addition

    If entity applying is a business:

  • Business Structure Documents: Articles of Organization, Partnership Agreement, Bankruptcy Documents, Estate Documents, Trust Documents or Business Certificate, are required depending on your corporate structure.

Fees   for Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

Name Fee Unit
Direct Shipment [New] $300 each
Direct Shipment [Renewal] $150 each

How to apply   Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

To apply for this license, please create an account on our eLicensing and ePermitting Portal.

Please review the information below:

Technical Requirements:

Below is the list of supported browser versions that provide the best user experience for the online application:

  • Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 10

  • Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 11

  • Firefox 29

  • Safari 6

  • Google Chrome 34

  • Opera 21

Although you may find that your current version also works, it may not support all functions.

To use the system you must first create a user name and password. User guides on this topic and other helpful information about the eLicensing and ePermitting Portal can be found here.

For technical assistance:
Please call the ePLACE Help Desk Team at (844) 733-7522 between the hours of 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday-Friday, with the exception of all Commonwealth and Federal observed holidays.

Next steps   for Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

Processing Time

Please allow 4-6 weeks for the application to be processed. If there is any information missing, a licensing staff member will reach out to you directly.

If you would like to check on the status of your application, please contact the following licensing staff member:

Deron Egbuche
Email: degbuche
Phone: 617-727-3040 x 723

More info   for Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

  • A Direct Shipment license holder must make sure that the company that ships the product has an Express Transportation permit.
  • The maximum amount a shipper can ship to one person per year is 12 cases [No more than 9 liters of wine per case].
  • There is no equivalent license for a Brewery or Distillery, only Wineries can ship directly to Massachusetts consumers.

To generate a list of the most current Express Transportation licensees, please use our General Search Function provided on our eLicensing and ePermitting portal.


Downloads   for Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

Contact   for Apply for an Alcoholic Beverages Direct Wine Shipper License (ABCC)

95 Fourth Street, Suite 3 , Chelsea, MA 02150-2358
Find Your ABCC Representative ABCC Staff Directory 

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