Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

Instructions for applying to offer a USPAP Appraiser course.

Board of Registration of Real Estate Appraisers

The Details   of Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

What you need   for Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

  • All texts and materials used in teaching the course.
  • Course description and subject matter outline. The outline MUST include the time spent on each topic.
  • The method used in taking attendance.
  • The organization’s instructor qualifications, policy and guidelines used in selecting instructors of appraisal education. The guidelines must, at minimum, meet the Appraiser Instructor Qualifications and Requirements herein.
  • 15-Hour National USPAP course: AQB Confidentiality or License Agreement if executed.
  • Equivalency course: AQB Certification.
  • For Distance Education
    • A description of the manner by which the course is presented.
    • Evidence of accreditation and a list of other disciplines already offered by the distance education.
    • A copy of the certification from the International Distance Education Certification Center (IDECC).

Fees   for Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

All fees are non-refundable.

The fee is payable at the end of the online application process, by credit card, debit card, or bank account. Please note that there is a separate convenience fee charged by DOL’s vendor for certain online payment transactions.

Name Fee Unit
Application fee - 7 hour course $113 each
Application fee - 15 hour course $225 each

How to apply   Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

You can upload all of the required documents and submit your application on ePlace. If you do not already have an account, start by making an account on ePlace to begin the application process.

Next steps   for Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

Application review and processing times

Please note applications that are not AQB approved are reviewed and approved at Board meetings which meet generally every other month. The Board will only review complete applications. Failure to submit all required information or supporting documents will result in your application being deemed incomplete or denied.

Once approved the Board will email or mail an approval letter to the email/mailing address provided by the applicant during the application process.

Contact   for Apply to offer a USPAP Appraiser course

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