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- This page, Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing, is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
MassDEP Drinking Water Program
MassDEP - William Wall Experiment Station
Fax: 978-688-0352 | Hours: M-F 8:45am - 5pm except State Holidays
Fax: 978-688-0352 | Hours: M-F 8:45am - 5pm except State Holidays
The Details of Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
What you need for Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
For a list of laboratories offering drinking water analytical services for private well owners and residential customers, see MassDEP Certified Laboratories Offering Analytical Services for Private Well Owners and Residential Customers.
If you are concerned about the quality of your drinking water, you can contact a MassDEP-certified laboratory to have your water tested.
Please note that:
- Your public water supplier is legally responsible for providing you with safe drinking water and for notifying you if there is a problem with your water supply.
- If you have a private water supply (a private well), your local Board of Health has jurisdiction over it. This may include local by-laws or regulations for periodic water testing at the well owner's expense.
- MassDEP does not test water for individuals.
- MassDEP strongly encourages the use of certified laboratories for testing private drinking water.
Fees for Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
Commercial water-testing laboratories set their own prices. Contact each laboratory you are considering to find out what their prices are.
How to find Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
Check the database of MassDEP-certified water-testing laboratories and see below for instructions for using the database.
Next steps for Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
How to Use the Certified Labs Database
See the screenshot provided below.
- If you know the name of the lab, select it from the first drop-down menu at "Certified Lab Name."
- If you do not know the name of the lab and want to find one near your town, click the dropdown menu at "Region." If you do not know which MassDEP Region you are in, click "Find Your Region." Note that there may not be a lab within convenient driving distance of your location. However, many labs offer a mail-in service.
- If you want to have your water tested for a specific contaminant, in the box next to "Analyte" scroll to the name of the contaminant. For example, many people want their water tested for lead. Find "LEAD" on the list of analytes and select it.
- To narrow the search to drinking water, next to "Matrix" select "Potable (DrinkingWater)."
- Click "Search."
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the search results.
Sample Lab Search Screen Contact the Laboratory
The database provides phone numbers and contact names for each certified lab. Once you have selected one or more lab(s), contact them to make sure they can do your testing, request a price quote, and find out what their arrangements are for receiving your sample(s).
More info for Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
Please note that although the database includes both commercial and municipal laboratories, municipal water- and wastewater-treatment plant laboratories generally do not accept samples for analysis from private consumers other than local residents. Such samples should be submitted for analysis to a MassDEP-certified commercial laboratory or a MassDEP-certified municipal environmental public health laboratory.
For a list of laboratories offering drinking water analytical services for private well owners and residential customers, see MassDEP Certified Laboratories Offering Analytical Services for Private Well Owners and Residential Customers.
Downloads for Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
Contact for Find a Certified Laboratory for Water Testing
MassDEP Drinking Water Program Email MassDEP Drinking Water Program at program.director-dwp@mass.govAddress
Division of Environmental Laboratory Sciences Call MassDEP - William Wall Experiment Station, Division of Environmental Laboratory Sciences at 978- 682-5237Fax: 978-688-0352 | Hours: M-F 8:45am - 5pm except State Holidays
Air Assessment Branch Call MassDEP - William Wall Experiment Station, Air Assessment Branch at 978-975-1138Fax: 978-688-0352 | Hours: M-F 8:45am - 5pm except State Holidays