Promoter License

A Promoter is a person who either directly or indirectly rents, lease or grants a space to use.

Division of Standards

The Details   of Promoter License

What you need   for Promoter License

Promoter License Information

Fees   for Promoter License

“Promoter”, a business or person who operates for the purpose of either directly or indirectly, renting, leasing or granting a license to use space to any vendor for the display for sale or for the sale of tangible personal property or services subject to tax under chapter 64H; provided, however, that this shall not include a state or county fair as defined in section 1 of chapter 128A; and provided further, that a promoter licensed under this chapter shall comply with sections 8A and 67A of chapter 62C or any regulations pursuant thereto as required by the commissioner of revenue.

“Show”, a flea market either indoor or outdoor, craft show, antique show, coin show, stamp show, comic book show fair and any similar show, whether held regularly or of a temporary nature at which more than one vendor displays for sale or sells tangible personal property subject to tax.

Total Days Class Fee Amount
50 and over A $1000
40-49 B $600
30-39 C $500
20-29 D $400
10-19 E $300
1-9 F $200
  • Cash is not accepted 
  • All fees are non-refundable
  • The license is valid for 1 year from the date of issue

How to apply   Promoter License

Complete the application and please submit the appropriate fee according to the fee schedule listed on the application.  

We only accept payment by money order or check (personal, business or bank check). Make checks payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

We do not accept any other form of payment including cash and credit/debit cards.

Walk-in service:

Division of Standards

1000 Washington Street, Suite 510

Boston, MA 02118

Same day registration is available provided the applicant has submitted all required documents and fees.

New and current licensees may renew licenses online. Visit this page for further instructions. 

Contact   for Promoter License

1000 Washington Street , Suite 510, Boston, MA 02118
(617) 727-5705


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