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Sign up for office hours with the accessibility team

Office hours are group sessions with accessibility specialists. You can get your accessibility questions answered, or come to listen and learn.

Accessibility Center for Consulting Education and Support Services

The Details   of Sign up for office hours with the accessibility team

What are ACCESS Office Hours?   for Sign up for office hours with the accessibility team

a clock with the accessibility symbol in the center

The Accessibility Center for Consulting Education and Support Services (ACCESS) team hosts group sessions called Office Hours. Sign up for a 10-minute slot to get answers to your digital accessibility questions, or come to learn from the answers to others' questions. 

ACCESS accessibility specialists host office hours twice a week.

When are office hours?

  • Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 11:30am
  • Via Microsoft Teams
  • Note: Office Hours will begin Wednesday, January 8th 2025.

Good reasons to sign up for Office Hours   for Sign up for office hours with the accessibility team

Let's say you are working on a project and aren't sure how to make something digitally accessible. Maybe you have questions like:

  • Should this image have alt text, or should it be marked as decorative?
  • How can I make this chart/graph more accessible?
  • Is this form labeled correctly for screen readers?
  • I have a design/pattern in Figma, can you review it?
  • I've coded this page/component, but it is announcing with NVDA incorrectly. Can you look at my HTML?

Keep in mind each slot is 10 minutes, so we will not be able to review entire documents or experiences in that time. 

You do not need to sign up to learn by what others are asking, please feel free to attend. Be respectful of those who have signed up for slots due to the limited time. If you have a related follow-up question to that topic that hasn't been answered, you can place those questions in the Q&A.

How to sign up   Sign up for office hours with the accessibility team

  1. Optional: Fill out the "sign up for Office Hours" form. You only need to sign up to ask a specific question. You do not need to sign up to learn from what others are asking, please feel free to attend.
  2. Join Via the Teams Meeting Link
  3. Optional: Add the meeting to your calendar, or email eotss-access@mass.gov to be added to the meeting invite.
  4. If you have a document, page, or design to ask questions about, please have that ready to share at the meeting.
  5. If you have a link to content you have questions about, please paste the link into the text box on the sign up form.
  6. If you will need American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, or live, human-typed captioning (CART), email eotss-access@mass.gov, and please allow two weeks for us to schedule needed personnel.

Contact   for Sign up for office hours with the accessibility team

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