Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation
Adopt A Highway Litter Removal Service of America
The Details of Sponsor-a-Highway
What you need for Sponsor-a-Highway
If your company wants to use this program to sponsor a highway, you can hire one of these maintenance providers to perform the clean up services:
- Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation
- Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Service of America (AAHLRSA)
How to start Sponsor-a-Highway
Contact these authorized Maintenance Providers:
- Adopt A Highway Maintenance Corporation
- Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Service of America (AAHLRSA)
It is recommended that sponsors review bids from both providers since contracts are between the sponsor and maintenance provider.
More info for Sponsor-a-Highway
The program provides civic-minded companies an opportunity to "sponsor" segments of highways. Each segment is approximately 2 miles long and is awarded on a first come, first-served basis. Only state highways and routes under MassDOT jurisdiction are eligible under this program.
At the start of each sponsored segment, a sign will be placed to recognize the sponsor’s contribution. Maintenance Providers are responsible for sign fabrication and installation. Sponsor sign dimensions are 60" X 42" and on Cape Cod, 48" X 36". The sign recognition panel will allow for the sponsor to place:
- corporate logos
- colors
- identifiable messages, i.e. Golden Arches for McDonalds
Phone numbers and web addresses are not allowed unless listed as sponsor’s legal name.
Sponsor funded maintenance providers conduct 14-24 litter cleanings per year. In comparison, Adopt-a-Highway programs perform 6 to 8 cleans. The higher number of litter cleans throughout the year enhance the natural beauty of Massachusetts' roadways.