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- This page, Submit a WARN, is offered by
- Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development
- MassHire Department of Career Services
Submit a WARN
MassHire Rapid Response - Contact Information
The Details of Submit a WARN
How to submit Submit a WARN
If you are ready to submit your WARN notice, email warnnotice@mass.gov and attach your notice.
Your notice should contain:
- The name and address where the mass layoff or plant closing is to occur, along with the name and telephone number of a company contact person who can provide additional information
- An explanation of whether the employment loss will be temporary or permanent, and whether the entire plant is being closed
- The expected date of the first job losses, along with a schedule of any further employment reductions
- The job titles of positions that will be affected and the number of affected employees in each job category
- A statement of bumping rights, if any exist
- The name of each union/employee representative and the name and address of the chief elected officer of each union
The WARN regulations also allow employers to provide alternative notice to the MassHire Rapid Response Team and the chief local elected official. However, more detailed information may need to be provided upon request. The alternative form must be a written notice that provides the following information:
- The name and address of the employment site where the plant closing or mass layoff will occur
- The name and telephone number of a company official to contact for further information
- The expected date of separation
- The number of affected employees
More info for Submit a WARN
The MassHire Rapid Response Team created sample WARNs to help businesses fulfill these obligations. Download one or all of the following samples:
- Sample WARN letter for one-time layoffs for businesses with non-union employees
- Sample WARN letter for one-time layoffs for businesses with union employees
- Sample WARN letter for staggered layoffs for business with union employees
- Sample WARN letter for staggered layoffs for businesses with non-union employees
Download the United States Department of Labor's Employer’s Guide to Advance Notice of Closings and Layoff for the most up-to-date information.