I-90 Interchange Study

A conceptual planning study examining the feasibility of a new interchange on I-90 between Exits 2 and 3.

In March 2020, MassDOT completed the I-90 Interchange Study. The planning study evaluated the feasibility of a new interchange on Interstate 90 (I-90) between the existing exits in the Town of Lee and the City of Westfield. Civic, business, and political leaders in the area have been advocating for the study of a new interchange for many years.

The study examined alternatives that could provide better access to and from I-90 for study area communities. It also sought to mitigate traffic bound for I-90 away from Lee and Westfield. It examined alternatives in the context of vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and land use. It also considered cost, as well as resulting economic, social, and cultural impacts. A final report detailed findings of the analysis, recommendations, and next steps.


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