ICHH Action Plans

The ICHH includes six committees including the Committee on Veterans, Committee on Disabilities, Committee on Elders, Committee on Families, Committee on Supportive Housing, and Commission on Youth.

Committee on Supportive Housing Production:
The legislative mandated demonstration project which began in 2012 laid out a goal for the development of 1000 units of supportive housing – at the end of the three year demonstration program the initiative produced and preserved 1749 units of supportive housing for families, elders, persons with disabilities and youth.

Committee on Families:
DHCD has reduced the number of families in hotels and motels by 60% from January 2015 to April of 2016.

From January 2015 to May of 2016, the EA caseload has been reduced by 16%.

Committee on Veterans:
Since January of 2015, the Commonwealth of MA has reduced the number of homeless veterans by 25%.

ICHH Action Plans
These reports below provide a review of the work to date of the ICHH committees and offers specific initiatives and agendas for the next fiscal year.

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