2019 Pro Bono Honor Roll and High Honor Roll

Administered by the Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services, the Pro Bono Honor Roll each year recognizes those who meet the criteria for a certain number of pro bono hours during the designated time period.

Table of Contents

Legal Organizations

Charles J. Dimare, Counselor at Law Amherst MA
DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Goodwin Boston MA
Law Office of Rebecca G. Neale Bedford MA
Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sunstein LLP Boston MA
Women's and Children's Advocacy Project Boston MA

Individual Attorneys - High Honor Roll

Eligible attorneys who provide 100 or more hours of pro bono legal services in the previous calendar year qualify for this honor roll.

Nathan Abelman Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Melissa  Alden Law Office of Melissa R. Alden West Yarmouth MA
Brian Alosco Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Nicholas Anastasi Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Erin Anderson WilmerHale Boston MA
Sara K. Andrews DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Nicholas Armington Mintz Boston MA
Rama Attreya WilmerHale Boston MA
Neil  Austin Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Tristan Axelrod Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Bradley Baglien WilmerHale Boston MA
Tasha Bahal WilmerHale Boston MA
Eliza Bailey Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Yoni Bard Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Mark Barnes Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Bruce Barnett DLA Piper LLP Boston  MA
Stephen Bartlett Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Andrew Bellis Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kate Bergin Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sara Berinhout Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Anthony Bernard Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Elizabeth Bewley WilmerHale Boston MA
Sonam Bhagat Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Peter Biagetti Mintz Boston MA
Rachel Bier WilmerHale Boston MA
Nellie Binder Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Tyler Bodenair Ropes & Gray Boston MA


Bonaccorsi Dechert LLP Charlestown MA
James Bor-Zale WilmerHale Boston MA
Michael Boudett Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Todd Boudreau Morrison & Foerster LLP Boston MA
Sam Brenner Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jennifer C. Brown DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Mike Brown WilmerHale Boston MA
Jordan Bryant Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Elizabeth Burnett Mintz Boston MA
Jason Burrell Mintz Boston MA
Kelly Caiazzo Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Katy Caldwell Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Stephanie  Calnan Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Chet Campbell Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Matthew Carrieri Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Josh Carroll Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Alvin Carter III Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Devon Caton Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Rebecca Cazabon Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Kevin Cegan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Philip Chang Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Philip Chen Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Alexander Chen Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Eric Paul Christofferson DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Mark Cianci Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Clark Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Susan Cohen Mintz Boston MA
David Cohen Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Benjamin Conery WilmerHale Boston MA
Tanner Cooper Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jenny Cooper Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kara Cormier Mintz Boston MA
Matthew Costello WilmerHale Boston MA
Jesse Coulon Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Daniel Cowan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jonathan Cox WilmerHale Boston MA
Christopher Dailey Dechert LLP Boston MA
Edmund Daley Mintz Boston MA
Amin Danai Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Reuven Dashevsky WilmerHale Boston MA
Rachel Davidson Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Elena Davis Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Seth Davis WilmerHale Boston MA
Emily  Deagen Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Sean Dean Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Kristyn B. DeFilipp Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Greg Demers Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Peter Demuth Mintz Boston MA
Cara Dermody Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Andrew DeVoogd Mintz Boston MA
Catherine DiVita Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Nadia DoCanto Mintz Boston MA
Patrick Dolan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Caroline Donovan Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Laura Donovan WilmerHale Boston MA
Rosamond Doran Dechert LLP East Boston MA
Ryan Dougherty Mintz Boston MA
Stephanie Dowd Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Elizabeth Driscoll WilmerHale Boston MA
Nicholas Dube Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Marc Duffy Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Andrew Dulberg WilmerHale Boston MA
Haley Eagon Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Rebecca Ellis Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Felicia Ellsworth WilmerHale Boston MA
Matthew Engellenner Ropes & Gray Boston MA
 Isabelle Farrar Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Ariella Feingold WilmerHale Boston MA
Deena Feit Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Christine Fimognari Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Daniel Fine Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Susan Finegan Mintz Boston MA
Daniel Fishman Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Shae Fitzpatrick Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Robert Fitzpatrick WilmerHale Boston MA
Mark Fleming WilmerHale Boston MA
Tess Foley WilmerHale Boston MA
Katharine Foote Mintz Boston MA
Kia Freeman McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
Timothy A. French Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Shira Furman WilmerHale Boston MA
Christian Garcia Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Rachel Gargiulo WilmerHale Boston MA
Deric Geng WilmerHale Boston MA
Adamantia Giannakis Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Gabriel Gillmeyer Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Aaron Gingrande Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Glanz Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Cole Goodman Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sam Goodwin Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Adam Grandy Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Scott Grannemann Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Alexander Gray Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Yana Grishkan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Yana Guss Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sarah Hall Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Daniel Halston WilmerHale Boston MA
Chris Hampson WilmerHale Boston MA
Annie  Hancock Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Catie Harrigan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Christopher Hart Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Victoria  Hartmann WilmerHale Boston MA
Nicholas Hasenfus       Holland & Knight LLP Boston MA
Eric Hawkins WilmerHale Boston MA
Steve Healy Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Bonnie Heiple WilmerHale Boston MA
Tad Heuer Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Matt Hevert Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Caitlin Hill Mintz Boston MA
Caroline Himamshu Ropes & Gray Boston MA
David Holcomb Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Linda Hsu Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Chao Huang Dechert LLP Boston MA
Rachel  Hutchinson Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Alex Intile Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Matthew J. Iverson DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Arjun Jaikumar WilmerHale Boston MA
Joshua  Jarvis Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Rauvin Johl WilmerHale Boston MA
Jeff Johnson WilmerHale Boston MA
Robert Jones Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Erica Jutras Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Emily Kanstroom Musgrave Mintz Boston MA
Ronald Kaplan Kaplan Law Offices Holbrook MA
Nicole Karatzas Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kenneth Kaufman Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Keating Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Jocelyn Keider WilmerHale Boston MA
Ben Kelsey WilmerHale Boston MA
David Kete Mintz Boston MA
Paul Kim Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Lawrence K. Kolodney Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Lindsay Kosan WilmerHale Boston MA
Caitlin Koseck Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Martha Koster Mintz Boston MA
Rithika Kulathila Mintz Boston MA
Kathryne Kulzer Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jamie Kurtz DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Christopher Labosky Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Matthew  LaBrie Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP New York NY
Brendan Lally-McGurl Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Aaron Lang Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Janice Lee Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Tyler Lewis Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Paul B. Lewis DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Kirsten Boreen Liedl  Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Stephanie Lin WilmerHale Boston MA
Jonathan Lipnick Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Jessica Lisak WilmerHale Boston MA
Jason Liss WilmerHale Boston MA
Will Little Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Annie Loeb Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Andrew Loewenstein Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Andrew London Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Sarah  Long Long Legal Group, LLC Waquoit MA
Katherine Mackey WilmerHale Boston MA
Ross MacPherson Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Aaron Macris WilmerHale Boston MA
Kevin  Madden Morrison & Foerster LLP Boston MA
Jessica Madsen Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jonathan Magaziner Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Rima Mahmoud Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Greg Malloy Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Shylah   Maloney Foster & Eldridge North Andover MA
George Manley WilmerHale Boston MA
Daniela Manrique Escobar Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sandra Masselink Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Rachael Masterson DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Johanna Matloff Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Mark Matuschak WilmerHale Boston MA
Kirsten Mayer Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Lilly McCullough Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Colleen McCullough WilmerHale Boston MA
Katy McDonald Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Joanna  McDonough Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Mathilda McGee-Tubb Mintz Boston MA
Kayleigh McGlynn Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Jane McGraw Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Liz McMahon WilmerHale Boston MA
Miranda Means Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Ned Melanson Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Natalia Mercado Violand Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Marc Migliazzo Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Christian Milde Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Matthew Miller Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
David Miller Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Anthony Mirenda Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Caryn Mitchell-Munevar New England Law | Boston Boston MA
Christopher Modlish Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Kenneth Monroe Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Melicia Morris Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Julie Muller Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Martin Murphy Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Julie Murphy WilmerHale Boston MA
Wendy Murphy New England Law | Boston Boston MA
Jack Murray Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Paloma Naderi WilmerHale Boston MA
Emily Nash Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Andrew Nathanson Mintz Boston MA
Yavor Nechev WilmerHale Boston MA
Shannon Nelson Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Chris Nienhaus Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Lauren Nikodemos Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Emma Notis-McConarty Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Anne Ogilby Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Andy O'Laughlin WilmerHale Boston MA
Erin Olesen Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Jeffrey Olshan WilmerHale Boston MA
Caitlin O'Neill Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kathleen O'Toole Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Janine Pare Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Andrew Pearson Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Alexander M. Pechette Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Jacob Pecht Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
David Peloquin Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sam Perrone Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Nick Pisegna Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kelli Powell WilmerHale Boston MA
Gary Prado Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Julia Prochazka WilmerHale Boston MA
Stephen Provazza WilmerHale Boston MA
Stephanie Ragland Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Liz Ranks Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Jessica Reece Ropes & Gray Boston MA
R.Talmadge Reeves Soraya Law, PC Boston MA
Whitney A. Reichel Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Grant Rice Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Kevin Rich Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Blair Rinne Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Patrick Roath Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Madeleine  Rodriguez Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Graham Rogers Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Alex Roggio Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Jonathan Rosenfeld WilmerHale Boston MA
Rian Rossetti WilmerHale Boston MA
Robert Rossi Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Larry Rowe Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Ben Ruano Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Ethan J. Rubin Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Richard D. Rudman DLA Piper LLP Boston  MA
Peter Scherer Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jillian  Schlotter WilmerHale Boston MA
Greg Schmidt WilmerHale Boston MA
Alyssa Scruggs Mintz Boston MA
James Sebel Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Amy Segal WilmerHale Boston MA
Ethan Severance Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Michaela Sewall WilmerHale Boston MA
Alison Shea Women's and Children's Advocacy Project Boston MA
Sierra  Shear WilmerHale Boston MA
Ningzhou Shen Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Rieko Shepherd WilmerHale Boston MA
Robert P. Sherman DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Jeffrey Shneidman Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Catherine Simes Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Allyson Slater WilmerHale Boston MA
Conor Slattery Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Sarah Smith McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
Ariel Soffer WilmerHale Boston MA
Jessica Soto Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Tanu Srinivasan DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Eda Stark Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Andrew Stauber WilmerHale Boston MA
Beibei Sun Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Joshua Talicska Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Evan Tallmadge Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kelsey Tavares DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Scott Taylor Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Vernon Thomas Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jane Tomic Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Louis Tompros WilmerHale Boston MA
Denise Tsai WilmerHale Boston MA
James Tsaparlis Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Elissa Uspensky Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Hannah Vail Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Saher Valiani DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Cynthia  Vreeland WilmerHale Boston MA
Katherine Waite Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Meghan Walsh WilmerHale Boston MA
Thomas Ward WilmerHale Boston MA
Rom Watson Ropes & Gray Boston MA
W. Kurtis Weaver DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Daniel Wewers WilmerHale Boston MA
Rich Wheeler Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kevin Willis Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Autumn Wu Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Dan Yanofsky Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Adrianne K. Zahner DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Yilu Zhang Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Susan Zhu Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Colin Zick Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA

Individual Attorneys - Honor Roll

Eligible attorneys who provide between 50 and 99 hours of pro bono legal services in the previous calendar year qualify for this honor roll.

David Acquay Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Stephen Adams Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Matthew Adams WilmerHale Boston MA
Anita S. Agajanian DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Caroline Agan Morrison & Foerster LLP Boston MA
Gavin Alexander Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Allen Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Ally Anderson Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kevin Angle Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Joseph Arico Dechert LLP Boston MA
Kristy Avino McCarter & English LLP Boston MA
Brian M. Awe DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Adrienne Baker Dechert LLP Boston MA
Joshua Balk Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Barbara Barakat WilmerHale Boston MA
Megan Barriger WilmerHale Boston MA
Samuel Bauer Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Anne-Marie Beliveau Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Evan Bell Law Office of Evan Bell Boston MA
Jessica Bergin Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Zachary Bernstein Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Bevilacqua WilmerHale Boston  MA
Peter Biagetti Mintz Boston MA
Timothy Blank Dechert LLP Boston MA
Gideon Blatt Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Matthew Blum Morrison & Foerster LLP Boston MA
Timothy Bolte Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Alexandra Boudreau WilmerHale Boston MA
Anthony Bova Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Kathleen Brill Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Amanda Broderick Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Melanie Burke Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Douglas Burton WilmerHale Boston  MA
Matt Byron Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Brian Carey Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Minal Caron Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kristen Chasse Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jacquie Chavez Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Keunjung Cho Mintz Boston MA
Rachel Churchill McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
Amanda Clairmont Mintz Boston MA
Sara Clevering Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Joshua Coombes Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Phillip Cosmos Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Maggie Craig DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Ryan Crane WilmerHale Boston  MA
Colleen Creeden Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jennifer Cullinane Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Maggie Curtiss Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Brittany Cvetanovich Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kendall Dacey Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Dakis Dalmanieras Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Richard Darst Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Michael  DeGrazia McCarter and English LLP Boston  MA
Brenda Diana Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Gregory DiCiancia Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Peter Diliberti Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Nicholas DiLorenzo Dechert LLP Boston MA
Adam Dobson Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Robert Donoghue WilmerHale Boston  MA
Jessica Dubin Lee & Rivers LLP Boston MA
Shari Dwoskin Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Peter Ellis Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Stesha Emmanuel McCarter & English LLP Boston MA
Stephanie Fagan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Catherine Fauver Dechert LLP Boston MA
Meghan  Fay WilmerHale Boston  MA
Angel Feng Mintz Boston MA
Kelly Finn Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kevin Fitzgerald Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Effie Floyd Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Elissa Flynn-Poppey Mintz Boston MA
Emma Follansbee Mintz Boston MA
Nicole Fontaine Dooley WilmerHale Boston  MA
Mikayla Foster WilmerHale Boston  MA
Xavier Frank Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Mark Gaioni Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Brendan C. Galgay Mintz Boston MA
Samantha Galvin Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Steve Ganis Mintz Boston MA
Deborah Gardner Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jennifer Anne Erin Gardner DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Joshua Garick Law Offices of Joshua N. Garick, P.C. Reading MA
Ezra Geggel Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Ellen Gilley Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Leigh Gilligan McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
David Givner Morrison & Foerster LLP Boston MA
David Gold WilmerHale Boston MA
Ana Gomez-Palazzo Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jennifer Gorman Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Josephine Greaves Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kathleen Gregor Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Natalie Groot Mintz Boston MA
Nathan Guevremont Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Bobby Hampton III Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Hanify Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Benjamin Hanna WilmerHale Boston MA
Tom Hannigan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Gregory Hardy Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Martha Harrison Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Rebecca Hayes Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Nicole Henry Mintz Boston MA
Stefan Herlitz Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Courtney Herndon Mintz Boston MA
Franziska Hertel Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Heyison WilmerHale Boston MA
Martin Hipkins Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Peter Holman, Jr Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Hoven Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Gary Howell-Walton WilmerHale Boston  MA
Linda Hsu Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Page Hubben Mintz Boston MA
Katie Hyland Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Nathaniel Hyman Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Katherine B.W. Insogna DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Angela Jaimes Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Bryan Jennings Mintz Boston MA
John Jessee, Jr. Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Stephen Jonas WilmerHale Boston  MA
Marisa P. Kaley DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Aaron Katz Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Quincy Kayton McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
Sean Kennedy Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Christina Kenny Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Grace Kim Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Gwen King Sugarman, Rogers, Barshak & Cohen Boston MA
Nicole  Kinsley Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Erin Klein Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Alexandra Klingenstein DLA Piper LLP (US) Brookline MA
Brie Kluytenaar Mintz Boston MA
Laurel Koes Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Connor Kortje Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Pia Kurkuvelos Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Thomas Lampert WilmerHale Boston  MA
Teo Larsson Sax Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Cassandra LaRussa Ropes & Gray Boston MA
William Lay Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Jay LeBlanc Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kaitlyn Leonard Mintz Boston MA
Joshua Levy Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Yoni Levy Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jessica Lewis WilmerHale Boston  MA
George Lilov DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Evelyn Limón Mintz Boston MA
James Lobo Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Anthony Lombardi Ropes & Gray Boston MA
James Long Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Christina  Luo WilmerHale Boston MA
Erin Macgowan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Keith MacLeod Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Richard Maidman Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Michael Maroni Morrison & Foerster LLP Boston MA
Julie Martin Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Jennifer Mather McCarthy Mintz Boston MA
Alain Mathieu Mintz Boston MA
Meghan McCafferty Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Meredith McCaffrey Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Adam McCall WilmerHale Boston MA
Patrick McDonough Mintz Boston MA
Michael McGrath Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kaitlin McGrath Dechert LLP Boston  MA
Alison McLaughlin Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Siobhan McNulty Dechert LLP Boston MA
Jeremy Meisinger Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Courtney Merrill WilmerHale Boston  MA
Sarah Milkovich Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Shaida Mirmazaheri Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Kaitlin Mitchell Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Monica Mleczko Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jeffrey Moerdler Mintz Boston MA
John Montgomery Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jenny Moore WilmerHale Boston  MA
Brittany Morrison Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Francis Morrissey Morrissey, Wilson & Zafiropoulos, LLP  Braintree MA
Susan  Murley WilmerHale Boston MA
Martin Murphy Fish & Richardson P.C. Boston MA
Rebecca Neale Law Office of Rebecca G. Neale Bedford MA
Zach Nemtzow WilmerHale Boston  MA
Martin Njoroge Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Emma Notis-McConarty Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Amy Null WilmerHale Boston  MA
Mark Nylen WilmerHale Boston MA
Robert J., Jr. O'Connor  DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Emily Oldshue Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Ali Olia Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Jon Olsson Dechert LLP Boston MA
Chasse Osborn Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Kati Pajak Strzelczyk Mintz Boston MA
Eliza Pan Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Cassandra Paolillo Mintz Boston MA
Nicole Paquin Law Office of Nicole Paquin Newton MA
Christina  Pashou Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Gretchen Passe Roin WilmerHale Boston  MA
Thomas Phillips Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Susan Phillips Mintz Boston MA
Lindsay Pierce Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Lisa Pirozzolo WilmerHale Boston MA
Zoe Plympton Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Steven Pohl Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Mark Potash Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Clare Prober Mintz Boston MA
Wyley  Proctor  McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
Stephanie Ragland Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Alexander Ried McCarter & English, LLP Boston MA
Jennifer Rikoski Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Leah Rizkallah Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Rob Roberts Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Nicholas Romanos Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Michael Rosen Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Ben Ruano Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Soraya Sadeghi Soraya Law, P.C.  Boston MA
Hana Sahdev Mintz Boston MA
Caroline Samp Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Gregory Sampson Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA
Laura Schneider WilmerHale Boston MA
Emily Schulman WilmerHale Boston MA
Jacob Schwartz Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Stephen Shay Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Brandon Short Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Eric William Skeffington DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Robert Skinner Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Elizabeth Smith Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Heather Sprague Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Janis   Stanziani Stanziani Law Offices Lynnfield MA
Ryan W.H. Starr DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Erika Steinbauer Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Stephen Stich Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
R. Newcomb Stillwell Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Samantha Stowers Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Maria Stracqualursi Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP New York NY
Han Suh Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Sonia Sujanani WilmerHale Boston  MA
Mark Szpak Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Glen Tagliamonte Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP Boston MA
Mark L. Tang DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Nicholas Theodorou Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Robert Treut Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Dan Vaczy Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Zaid van Giffen Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Michael Patrick Van Handel DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Adam Wade Foley Hoag LLP Boston MA
Adrienne Walker Mintz Boston MA
Christopher Walsh Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Mei Wang Kirkland & Ellis LLP Boston MA
Benn Waters WilmerHale Boston MA
John Wei DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Stephen Weiner Mintz Boston MA
Lavinia Weizel Mintz Boston MA
Nancy Hunter Welsh DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
John Wessler Law office of John S. Wessler Lawrence MA
Jessica C. Wilson DLA Piper LLP Boston MA
Brandon Winer Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Emma Wright Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Phillip Yao Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Andrew Yarrows Ropes & Gray Boston MA
Kevin Yurkerwich WilmerHale Boston  MA
Alec Zadek Mintz Boston MA
Rebecca Zeidel Mintz Boston MA
Samuel Zuckernik Brown Rudnick LLP Boston MA

Law Students

Eligible law students who provide 50 or more hours of law-related pro bono service during their law school careers qualify for this honor roll. 

Boston University School of Law

Emily Atkinson
Isabel Burlingame
Caitlin Calvo
Celene Chen
Tyler Creighton
Nicole Dill
Shirley Duquene
Kimberly Flores
Michael Fiorillo
Christina Fuleihan
Daniela Hargus
Alexandria Murphy
Temi Omilabu
Christina Paek
Christiana Prater-Lee

Harvard Law School

Nicholas Ismael Aquino
Michael Bliss
David Brown
Elizabeth Butterworth
John Calia II       
Marta Canneri   
Sara Carter         
Yunyi Chen
Aycan Merve Ciplak
Zachary Cohen  
Megan Corrigan               
Robert Delaney
Madeleine Demeules      
Matthew Disler 
Benzion Edelman             
Matthew Farrell               
Isaiah Feldman-Schwartz   
Elizabeth Feldstein
Laura Follansbee
Andrea Forsee
Aaron Fowler
Laura Garcia
Madeleine Gates
Samuel Gilman
Matthew Goldkind
Isaac Max Green
Stephanie Gullo
Diana Haigney
Jocelyn Hassel
Joshua Hillman
Hannah Hubbard
Maris Hubbard
Anna Jesurun
Alexander Johnson
Madeline Kane
Amira Katherine J Khazal
Elie Kirshner
Nicholle Knapp
Mohamed Light
Zachary Manley
Sarah Margulies
Eli Markham
Fenella McLuskie
Lena Melillo
Kelsey Miller
Marcus Miller
Kaitlynn Milvert
Vincent Montoya-Armanios
Julian Morimoto
Jarrod Nelson
William David Ossoff
Juan Palacio Moreno
Tyler Patrick
James Caleb Payne II
Rebecca Raftery
Emily Ray
Samuel Rebo
Alison Roberts
Sarah Rutherford
Areeb Salim
Rachel Schaub
Jesse Schwab
Emma Shirey
Sabri Siraj
Delany Sisiruca
Marisa Skillings
Kyle Skinner
Alexandria Smith
Laura Grace Smith
Abbie Starker
Joan Steffen
Erica Taicz-Blandon
Anna Teitler
Michael Torcello
Caitlin Walczyk
Mariah Kala Watson
Melissa Wen
Windsor Rose Whitlock
Gordon R Worrell
Sabrina Zhang
Gabriel Zimmerman

New England Law | Boston

Thelma  Ajike
Darrell Augustin
Ashley Bodden
Jihan Carswell
Harlee Cavnar
Monique Frempong-Manso
Christianna Golden
Karli Grant
Maria Guzman
Angelina Hollingsworth
Stephen Koehn
Agnes Kolbeck
Gabrielle Mainiero
Cody Mock
Mary Nee
Ashley Owens
Farhana Pathan
Leah Popple
Jasmine Richardson
Alexandra Roman
Marion  Schulz
Daniel Serafini
Chouleng Soun
Cesar Valdez

Northeastern University School of Law

Sarah Kelly
Aly Madan

Suffolk University Law School

Kadeem Apply
Phoebe Clewley
Caitlin Creamer
Michael Cronin
Antea Gatalica
Rachel McKie
Sean McLaughlin
Camy Ruck
Vincent Tamburino

Samantha Tartaglia
Jamie Wells

University of Massachusetts School of Law

Noah Aurelio
Miryam Banuelas
Abbey Barr
Brandon Hunt
Alexandria Murphy
Laura Trevino
Laura Zavala

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