The Director of Accounts through the Bureau field representatives provides guidance and oversight to municipal accountants and auditors relating to the accounting of certain revenue sources, compliance with accounting standards and DLS policies.
Although these documents are downloadable, officials are encouraged to sign-up for DLS Alerts so you are automatically notified of revised and new guidelines from the director.
Revolving Funds
Revolving funds allows a community to raise revenues from a specific service and use those revenues without appropriation to support the service. For departmental revolving funds, MGL Ch. 44 §53E½ stipulates that each fund must be established by bylaw or ordinance and that a limit on the total amount that may be spent from each fund for a fiscal year must be established by legislative body vote. Wages or salaries for full-time employees may be paid from the revolving fund only if the fund is also charged for all associated fringe benefits.
Revenues are any money received by municipal governments, below is an overview of revenue deficits and statutory references of municipal revenues:
Departmental Procedure Manuals and Accounting Standards Guides
Procedure manuals produced by organizations and associations relative to municipal departments: